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Everything posted by nissanman312

  1. Thanks for all your input and help chaps I've spoken with sarnie and he's given me his thoughts so it looks for at least the next few months were not going to pass the check together A real bugger as we had planned to move in get a coupe of years under our belt and Maybey try for a family All is not lost tho were comfy where we are money wise and have loads of great stuff planned this yearso can't complain to much there is people far worse off than myself And at the end of it all I still got the 370z
  2. I might be able to help, I run a Mortgage company First thing, don't waste your time appealing. You'll spend circa 8 weeks in a circle of letters acknowledging your issue, telling you they will look in to it only to come back to you with the same decision. A default isn't the end of the world, I got a mortgage approved for someone last week with 4 defaults! However, your most recent default needs to be more than two years old and your deposit needs to be 20% or more......................... Drop me a mail if you prefer? info@LT-Mortgages.com Liam great i shall drop you a line there thanks everyone your help
  3. The deposit isnt the problem we were looking at something like 65/70 % loan to value but i wanted to change my present product to a buy to let as we needed to move fast on the property for sale the figures based on our wages all worked out fine and i earn twice what she dose but the bank im with just have a no lend policy with bad credit were going to start trying to draft a letter up in a minute to be fair i dont know where to start or if its going help im feel fairly gutted ive been waiting for this chance to come up for some time and never owed a penny to anybody other than the bank for my house
  4. That's something that the missus is good at so i'll get her to type something up tonight thanks i appreciate the feedback
  5. hi guys ill cut a long story short the missus and i have found the house of our dreams! and have just been turned down on the morgatage on the basis of her historic aragment plans that she had on some debt there down as satisfied but none the less its on here record as d for defult she has never had a morgatage before so is classed as a first time buyer my situation is i have been paying a morgatage for 7 years with a full clean bill of credit history but cant raise what we need on my wage alone the bank said i can apeal the disision which im going to but unlikly to change anything anyone have any suggestions
  6. you wont regret it mate your doing the right thing for sure have a safe trip and enjoy the time with your dad the best you can Nic
  7. Go and see him in sure he'll recover and make a great recovery but it's your dad Both my parents are gone you can't put a price on time with family All the best for yourself and your dad
  8. Strictly speaking we can't do these on our 370z can we I know this is a 50
  9. Hmm, Uprev?, her contribution to a new exhaust............... Either sound fair
  10. I make that about £410 for a mod of your choice then:)
  11. ahh ok it wasn't the one I was thinking of... I see them on Charter Ave sometimes in the morning (just off the A45) and exchange a flash/nod/wave with them too! Often see that blue one Saw a silver one round there other day didn't get the plate tho
  12. Looking into the oil cooler for the 370z do I need and special oil filter or do the normal nissan ones fit the plate?
  13. So is there any issues with going bigger with the wheels? And are they available in a 19
  14. Mines fine on the 70 no catching
  15. I'll take the cv2 at the CV1 price lol Doesn't it throw the traction control out when bigger fitted can they be had it standard size although at least I could bin the spacers
  16. I might have a ride up and see what goes on
  17. I struggled with mine at times I seem to have go used to it now tho
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