Can I just pick your brains on this Colin?
I appreciate it's only very early days with the car so probably not a question that you can even answer really, but do you find having all that grip with no drama boring? I don't actually mean boring, I mean a word that's a bit softer than boring as clearly a car with that much pace isn't going to be boring, but you know what I mean hopefully!
What I'm getting at I think is whether a car that has a massive amount of grip and is ultimately incredibly quick is as rewarding as one with lower limits you can exploit at lower speeds. I know how much you appreciated the handling on all your Zeds, so I think you're ideally placed to comment on this. I'm not entirely sure where I sit myself, as I've had both ends of the spectrum in recent years with the Impreza and the MX5, and I don't really know which one was 'best'. Do you worry about it getting a trifle dull (again, not dull!) owning something where you have to be going a silly speed to be able to fully exploit a decent chassis, or is the ability to go round any corner at any speed enough?
Sorry if that's coming off as insulting at all, I really don't mean it to as I really like the car, I'm more coming from a philosophical viewpoint than anything.
I totally get what your saying!my pal has a evo 6 tme. and when we're out and he mashes his foot mid way out of a bend and is catapulted out the other side I get a little envy knowing if I did the same in the z I'd bit up the bushes backwards lol