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Everything posted by nissanman312

  1. Awesome they'd look good on mine lol what are they
  2. That's all lost on me as I'm not computer literate but I have a freind that can translate lol
  3. Yeah I'm toying with very subtle tints and a smoked alloy for the stealthy look
  4. I think all that looks awesome wish I'd gone for a colour that contrasting colours stood out on
  5. I'm back and forth like a yo yo would love to have a look at yours one day as it's the kit I would be having Going Europe in June so I won't do it before that I don't want any complications before that trip thinking Maybey towards the end of the year should have all the money saved then:)
  6. Struggling to link it is just 370z on Facebook is closed group just add yourself if your interested This is the picture I saw
  7. I've seen on the American 370z Facebook page somone has boost gauges afr etc on there screen Anyone know how this is possible
  8. Is that an engine out job then Mark?
  9. No worries mate anytime I got the same help and advice when I joined this forum It's your new freind for everything z
  10. Ahh bumer I'm on a course Saturday Yep that's the guys mitz and Andy did my cobra aswell they will tell you straight if it's a good one budy you can trust them. Sorry I Couldn't be a help in the end I hope it's a good one for you if it's in the area they may well know the car
  11. Just saw that Yeah no worries When you looking
  12. Get him to meet you at cougar store and get mitz and Andy to check it out they know them inside out and you can trust them good lads do all my services etc there on Queens rd
  13. I'm sure Mark said it was the pistons that are the week link in the 370z but was confident there good for about 430 all day long don't quote me tho I'm sure he'll be along soon to put me right
  14. I'm sure a member would take you around in there's so you know how a good one should be/drive But like the guys say follow your gut if your not happy walk away plenty for sale If your anywhere near me I'll have a look with you
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