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Everything posted by nissanman312

  1. TORQEN customers priority lol Adrian can I remind you of somthing you said to me Gtr ugly boring and expensive to run lol
  2. i want to buy it all but id be about 5 grand off a gtr myself by then http://www.autotrade...90320?logcode=p
  3. what have you picked lol? I took the fuel, beer & pizza :lol: & got a complimentary shower of oil Is that a porker on my screen
  4. Must resist lol What's left suspension wise? What you doing with the built engine then if your going gtr
  5. I'll take that off your hands I got a top notch cobra for you
  6. Urghhh about 3 years now sorry I read it wrong hers is manual but still nice little car I drove it the other day and thought how fun it would be with a powerful engine
  7. My sister has one so far so good lovely little motor
  8. Good tack tic mate lol I've just looked at stillen it looks like the only option is shiny or black?
  9. I'm going for stealth! stealth is good! .....and cheep. ...er
  10. Yeah that's how I fancy it looking don't want no max power going on under my hood lol Is that engine cover a stillen part?
  11. Really looking forward to your feedback on this dom
  12. http://www.stillen.com/prodimages/resized/thm_lrg_407770TB~photo.1.jpg I like this
  13. What's polished the piping? I would rather have mine black chrome so last year lol
  14. Thanks for the update mate hope I can make my date at Lichfield Like jon said tho we don't want them to rush things
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