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  1. Thanks for all the replies guys! (Apologies for the delayed response - I think I locked myself out of my account!!) Definitely sounds like it’s a repair job rather than scrap, and a pretty unanimous decision at that!! My garage advised getting rid of it after looking underneath, but perhaps they wanted it off me for scrap value too?! ;-) I’ve had it 10 years now, and perhaps got a bit complacent about the regular maintenance, but there didn’t seem to be any issues before the MOT (ie still sounded like it was running smoothly). Ill get in touch with ZMAN, then it’s just a case of finding a garage that’s open! My usual one is closed - I’ve found one just down the road but first impression was a bit suspicious (people a bit dodgy, and can fit me in straight away). It has to get the car through MOT though, so can’t be too bad.......right?!! :-o
  2. Disaster! My 350Z has failed it’s MOT! It’s an 05 plate with 130k miles, and list of failure elements below. I wondered if the concensus was: 1) Scrap it (or sell privately as it is) - it’ll be a money pit from here on. If this was the case, does anyone else know a ballpark figure I might get for it? 2) Get the work done - either keep it, or sell it. Would be useful to know if this would work cost wise - roughly how much it’d cost to get it through the MOT, and how much I might get selling it with an MOT (Vs without). [or 3) keep it and plough money in to it because I love it!! Unfortunately, been furloughed recently, so probably not an option in he short term....] All thoughts and opinions greatly appreciated!! Thanks, MOT Do not drive until repaired (dangerous defects): Nearside Front Tyre has ply or cords exposed (5.2.3 (d) (ii)) Nearside Front Wheel bearing so rough it is likely to overheat or break up (5.1.3 (b) (ii)) Repair immediately (major defects): Offside Front Headlamp not working on dipped beam (4.1.1 (a) (ii)) Front Suspension arm pin or bush excessively worn Both wishbones (5.3.4 (a) (i))n
  3. MOT due in a few days, and a headlight has typically just failed..... Garage has suggested that due to the cost of just the bulb, it might be worth getting it with the igniter pack as well? (Doesn’t mean too much to me, but I vaguely remember having a similar issue about 5 years ago......) Not looking for anything too fancy or spending too much as I’m not sure how much longer I’ll keep it, so has anyone got any suggestions on what to get and where to get it from? Thanks, Darren
  4. I'm the proud owner of a 05-plate Z with 126k miles on the clock. Unfortunately, as much as I love it, the issues are starting to build up: aircon needs replacing (according to local garage, who said they 'had to remove a belt'[?]), paintwork starting to peel in places, radio / CD player on last legs (stuck on radio with no presets), still with original SatNav............nothing major on it's own, and still (fingers crossed!) mechanically sound, but all taking that little bit of enjoyment away from driving it. The simple (logical??) option with that many miles on the clock might be to sell / scrap it and get a new car, but as anyone with a 350Z knows, it pains me to even think about it!! So 2 quick questions: 1) For those who've owned similar cars of a similar age, do you think it's worth persevering with? 2) If so, could anyone recommend someone - garage or individual - that could take a look at it to assess it and potentially carry out a bit of a mini-overhaul? I do a lot of travel between South Wales and London, so anywhere in that region would be a bonus! Although I love driving the car 'as it deserves to be driven', I'm not a 'boy racer', so just want it back up to a good standard rather than souped up or any major modifications (although as I type this, open to suggestions!) Thanks, Darren
  5. Whenever I brake, particularly at high speeds, there's a fast juddering that continues until I take my foot off the pedal. I had a brief word with my local garage, who immediately asked if I could feel it up the steering column - I can. Their recommendation was new discs and pads, but I just wanted a quick check to see if people thought this was the only possible cause. The garage are great for customer service, but he admits he doesn't see too many 350Z's, yet he seemed to reach his conclusion very quickly!!
  6. Just to update, ballast ordered from ZMANAEX, received and fitted, and problem now resolved. Another 350Z back on the road! Thanks Alex!
  7. I had the same issue recently with bulbs and fuses not sorting the problem. Identified a ballast issue, bought from ZMANALEX, and problem is now sorted. I can't guarantee i's exactly the same issue, but it worked for me, and the service from Alex was great!
  8. Thanks for the reply. They definitely checked the fuses, and even replaced to see if that was the issue - no luck unfortunately. So the question now is probably - what next? Can I buy the ballast separately, or do I need a whole new headlamp unit? Either way, any recommended places to get them from? Thanks again
  9. Currently the proud owner of a '05 350Z.......with only one working headlight! No being mechanically minded at all, I asked a local garage to find out why simply replacing the bulb didn't help. It seems there is a problem with the 'headlamp control module (drivers side) that screws into the bottom of the headlamp and controls the xenons' (screws in to bottom of headlamp). Anybody able to shed some more light / advise? I previously had an issue where I had damaged the plastic cover in the wheel arch area, and wonder if there could've been some water damage - there has been quite a lot of condensation in the headlamp since. All help greatly appreciated!! Darren
  10. Thanks again for all of the responses - really appreciate it!! Cobra definitely looks like the longer-term way forward. How noticable is the difference between the resonated and non-resonated? Also, I had been wondering if welding was an option - it seems a lot to replace for what is essentially a split (albeit a big one!!). Would welding be a stop-gap to keep me going for a few weeks, or would it likely to last for a bit longer than that?
  11. After problems with my Y-pipe a few months back, I found this forum the best place to come for advice. The initial problem was solved (Cobra Y-pipe from CS - should point out again that the garage commented on how impressed they were, and also great service - thatnks CS!!), but now my exhaust has started blowing again. I'm far from being a mechanic, but looking under the car it's quite obvious that the join between the centre pipe (?) and the back box has corroded and the 2 parts are now completely separate! A mate of mine has suggested I need to replace 'everything down from the Y-pipe (again, emphasizing there's nothing wrong with the Y-pipe I previously purchased!!) - anybody have any recommendations? Unfortunately I've just I've just committed money towards a holiday (taking the 3 of us - me, my daughter and the 350Z! - to France), so suggestions at the lower end of the price range will probably be closer to the mark....
  12. Just to update, I've now taken it to the local garage / audio centre who (after lots of technical jargon) sound like they're offering to unplug the connections at the back,plug it back in, and charge me £40 for the pleasure!! I'm planning to have a go myself sometime when I get chance, although slightly concerned I need a code? Apparently, as it's Bose, if their first method didn't work they're suggesting I'll have to replace the whole system - does anyone ahve a rough idea how much this is likely to cost?
  13. I take it that the standard Bose isn't the way forward then?!! I'll try to sort this, but if there are problems with the unit, I'm open to suggestions for an alternative! Thanks for the offer of the spare front leonk - I'm hoping to get it looked at tomorrow, so should have a better idea after that.......
  14. Yes, it's a GT, and as far as I know, nothing has been changed from new......
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