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Everything posted by Grundy

  1. Grundy

    v3 front bumper

    My fitment was perfect Gotta love Tarmac!
  2. Grundy

    v3 front bumper

    Don't think there are any suppliers in the UK anymore, I got the last one off Tarmac. The only ones I've seen are the ones on eBay shipped from Poland, which are Fibreglass
  3. That's a Cat D/C right there.
  4. Last call out for anyone who wants a ticket. Must drive a 350/370 for Club stand spot (or 200's etc. )
  5. Can't re-add you -.- Can you PM me your address please.
  6. Why'd you leave the PM group? I'll re-add you.
  7. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/96045-trax-2015-club-stand-price-update/
  8. Grundy


    Cool, Did you decide to buy one then after you were looking after your bosses/friends Lambo, I remember you being all excited at Leeds Castle about it.
  9. List updated. Lots of spare tickets for sale.
  10. Just wanted to create a new thread - Just to make everything clear and obvious for everyone 1. Grundy225 - I am now on the Show and Shine stand. My Stand Pass has gone to - Iangreefield - Will need to purchase his own entrance ticket. 2. Andy James 3. Buster 4. Tarmacs 1 Stand Pass Avail (No entrance ticket) 5. A9H-RX 6. Brummiestormer 7. Panman 8. Humpy - 1 Stand and Entrance Ticket Avail 9. Dunks - 1 Stand and Entrance Ticket Avail 10. Mouthwash - 1 Stand and 2 Entrance Ticket Avail 11. DDay 12. Ogman 13. Chizzz 14. Firemansim 15. 14N 16. Shezza 17. StevoD - Is now on the Show and Shine Stand. His Stand Pass has gone to - Westyno9 - Will need to purchase his own entrance ticket. 18. Mudman 19. Ozzy225 20. Mr P 21. Elliot350 22. Swiiftyy 23. Telboy83 24. ap427 25 .parello9 26. Mason 27. russgray - 1 Stand and Entrance Ticket Avail 28. Aliveboy - AaronC - Will need to purchase his own Entrance ticket. 29. Kingrob 30. Harryjax 31. Joker 32. Lukeajones 33.dudeuk 34. Mikey Thompson 35. Dean.B So As it stands, - All those with a line through there names have dropped out. - Anybody with a name next to someone with a line crossed out, has taken their ticket with instructions etc. - Brummiestormer, can you please let us know ASAP what you are doing, as you left the PM with all the instructions for this event. So as it stands, I'm assuming you're not coming. - I've got a feeling #5 wont be coming due to clutch. - As it stands, we have 3 Stand passes avail (2 come with an entrance ticket) This may all change. But feel free to drop your name down to purchase these spots. PLEASE READ You MUST be on the club stand by no later than 08:30! Other wise they will turn you away to the public car park. Gates open at 06:00am All those in the PM will have my number, should they run into any trouble on the gate. Club Location Correct me if I'm wrong, it's either same spot as last year, or just on the other side from last year. If you're not in the PM but are on that list, please let me know and I'll add you
  11. Either I've not had a group PM or I'm not sure where this feature is lol Swiftyy Read: Today, 14:05 i added him after his message he wasnt in there sorry mate Ah thanks.
  12. Either I've not had a group PM or I'm not sure where this feature is lol Swiftyy Read: Today, 14:05
  13. buster Read: Yesterday, 17:34 Block SHEZZA Read: Jul 06 2015 22:34 Block Tarmac@Tarmac... Has left the conversation dunkster Read: Not yet read Block ap427 Read: Not yet read Block lukeaJones Read: Yesterday, 18:44 Block Keyser Read: Jul 07 2015 07:48 Block Humpy Has left the conversation Brummiestormer Has left the conversation Panman Read: Yesterday, 14:40 Block andy james Read: Jul 06 2015 21:39 Block Ozzy225 Read: Today, 12:49 Block Elliot350 Read: Jul 01 2015 03:26 Block 14N Read: Jul 07 2015 12:46 Block mouthwash Read: Today, 12:45 Block StevoD Read: Today, 13:18 Block Harryjax Read: Jul 06 2015 23:18 Block grundy225 Read: Today, 13:37 A9H-RX Read: Jun 26 2015 19:28 Block AliveBoy Has left the conversation parello9 Read: Today, 12:29 Block firemansim Read: Jul 07 2015 09:38 Block telboy83 Read: Yesterday, 13:31 Block Ogman Read: Today, 12:23 Block DDay Read: Jun 25 2015 21:34 Block Mudman Read: Today, 13:04 Block AaronC350z Read: Today, 13:37 Block Dudeuk Read: Jun 29 2015 15:02 Block kingrob Read: Jul 05 2015 22:30 NO NOTIFICATIONS Block Mr P Read: Jul 07 2015 17:02 Block JoKeR Read: Today, 12:42 Block Dean.B Read: Jul 06 2015 17:59 Block Chizzz Read: Yesterday, 20:34 Block Mason Read: Today, 13:37 Block Mikey Thompson Read: Today, 13:37 Block russgray Read: Jul 06 2015 22:43 Block
  14. Tickets have arrived. Little worried as a few people haven't read the group PM. I'm also guessing, people who have left the group chat, are no longer attending? (Humpy I'm aware of) Going to have a few spare tickets, so get your names down for a reserve list.
  15. Japan Racing Wheels getting pretty popular these days, with great price tags too. Don't let me put you off the eBay wheels, but it's sometimes nice to buy something from a main dealer, that way you have a POC if anything goes wrong.
  16. Can't say too much on the wheels, but never really a fan of the cheap brands on ebay, If you're on a budget, check out these - Similar design and a good quality/brand too http://www.tarmacsportz.co.uk/GB/Japan_Racing_JR10_18_Inch_Wheels_/JR10-18.aspx
  17. Well thats it, I'm selling everything that I own
  18. All the information is in the group PM. This isn't aimed at you, but I've had several people message me and ask about ticket updates etc. As soon as they're here, I will be letting you all know. I'm not going to keep it a secret to my self
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