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Everything posted by Grundy

  1. A: - You put in your reg, and accept what model the reg says it is, I.e. Fairlady,GT etc. B: - Buy a KA if you're going to put a box in this.
  2. He doesnt do the Ings lip buddy Oops, thought it was a mines lip
  3. Grundy


    Sounds like a good idea spending cheap on something that's going to save yours or someone else's life. Speak with Ewen@Clarkmotorsport - But your're not going to find much that cheap.
  4. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/100058-andy-james-on-track/
  5. Whats the engine on this etc? I always get confused when people sell up to get a house etc. When I think of that, it means selling up and buying a £200 shed that costs £10 to run
  6. Did you leave early? Were you out on track? I went round the stand got a pic of everyones.
  7. Yeah, no point holding up other peoples exp rides on the straights A bit bumpy I loved the day and the drive, scared a few people coming back up the loop, over the crevice. But hitting 90 then braking suddenly before the tyre wall to turn....that was a bit dangerous, if mine or anyones brakes failed, those tyres weren't stopping or saving anyone I did find it funny with a couple of GTR's there to show off at the start, but then poodle around the rest of the track Thanks Some of the GTRs were a bit slow, but the loop is a little odd, to big corners that are completely blind on turn-in first one is great fun, especially with the bump half way through the corner and the blind corner over the crest on the uphill. Yeah, was getting up over 100-110mph on that back section aiming for the tyres good fun. Also the loop is rather hard on the brakes of the GTR, so some were a little paranoid. I had a load of fun with scandinavian flicks into the hairpin and then some decent oversteer out. Cant believe 2 GTRs got black flagged for noise from the racetrack noise meters About 70% of the time my back end was having some fun turning into over the bump to go down Mircale I didn't spin that day. Yeah tbf I was the same, So I usually did about 4/5 passengers with 3 laps each then took a break for 20mins etc. The hair pin was a bit rubbish for me, mainly because of my ride height. If I didn't hit the hair pin at a certain angle, I was bottoming out
  8. Yeah, no point holding up other peoples exp rides on the straights A bit bumpy I loved the day and the drive, scared a few people coming back up the loop, over the crevice. But hitting 90 then braking suddenly before the tyre wall to turn....that was a bit dangerous, if mine or anyones brakes failed, those tyres weren't stopping or saving anyone I did find it funny with a couple of GTR's there to show off at the start, but then poodle around the rest of the track
  9. If only!!! I was following the GTR ahead (and catching him) but followed his line through the corner (no idea why) and he was not tight enough on corner and I ran a touch wide. There is another camera right on the front of the car, low down that captured all the grass So many times I clipped that grass Didn't realise that was you out there with me. What were you in? Hahaa - not me.... I had just finished my session and was admiring the work I had done on tyres (the heat on the front left was great - sticky) The subtle Ginger 350z
  10. If only!!! I was following the GTR ahead (and catching him) but followed his line through the corner (no idea why) and he was not tight enough on corner and I ran a touch wide. There is another camera right on the front of the car, low down that captured all the grass So many times I clipped that grass Didn't realise that was you out there with me.
  11. Nope, think he's done atm with bumpers.
  12. Couple of shots thanks to Dunks of me taking people out on the Heritage loop.
  13. Was all worth it in the end
  14. Then at the end Chris@TarmacSportz organised a photo shoot for the team -
  15. Here's StevoD doing a chase to get Bizz on camera with Djtimo on the forum (TC Media) Epically close! Tim was impressed!
  16. What an awesome weekend, here's some shots from me. Think they're all of the drifting paddock - Excuse the crappy quality of the motion shots, was still learning on Saturday, then got the hand of it with Andy today Gutted I couldn't get some decent shots. This was one of our favorites!
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