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Everything posted by Grundy

  1. Nvm bud. Ordered From Tarmac as I was on a time scale.
  2. That's my point, the 40/50% I get over get no body work scraping (bumper/Skirts) The other percentage is mainly speed humps which are to high and thing, i.e. can't get my rear wheels on before the front's leave. I don't attempt those. But I'm retardedly low. So I can promise you you'd be fine with Springs. It's all about how you take a speed bump, I bet there is a speed bump I could get over without scraping, where even a standard ride heighted zed would scrape due to the wrong approach.
  3. Considering I can get over 40/50% speed bumps, and have now proven I can do Multistory, I've pretty sure Springs aren't going to cause you any speed hump problems what so ever.
  4. it's pathetic lol. Should of followed my line not steves. Had I not been low I would of come back on. I doubt it as I was gaining him in the corners until the rex blocked me #teamtarmac my line was perfect even have the confirmation from Ekona You went over the rumble too
  5. So the question is...How to make a box a location for storage? As in an existing empty space storing objects? My first step would probably be putting stuff in that empty space. Although you may run into problem of stuff falling out or being visible from this new location of empty space... At a guess...you could fit some sort of cover/hinged door
  6. it's pathetic lol. Should of followed my line not steves. Had I not been low I would of come back on. I doubt it as I was gaining him in the corners until the rex blocked me #teamtarmac
  7. he was following me i made the turn he didnt he has it on video Wouldn't mind seeing that. Great pictures Matt and really liked that black n' white shot with the Zed peaking out from behind the tree. really enjoying working with the camera ATM. All my latest shots since wales have been fully manual. Each shoot seems to be improving. Crap with landscape shots though. I need objects like cars and people to take photos if that makes sense #teamtarmac
  8. A replica from Tarmac, was the last one he had buddy. But thank you
  9. I'm still rank 16 haha. Yeah I did notice that. I'm glad they've actually added that to give people motivation to rank higher (other than achieving legendary rank of course). Ah right. Looking forward to getting home to take a look! It's hard
  10. Also just about to check, but Tavern brawl includes new cards this week.
  11. Same I saw that and instantly bought the preorder.... Then it disappeared Just received my first loss at rank 14 4star. They've implemented the chest now though, so once you hit 15+ you get rewards.
  12. I'm all for replicas etc, but sorry dude, can't stand it when people disguise something that it's not. Wheels are my biggest hate (Not yours) when someone has Rota's for instance and sticks works bages over them or whatever. Be proud of what you have That being said, the work on the boot looks smart (bar the fake Nos bottle )
  13. So the person above was half right? Wheel BHP will be less (or more for the other right halve) than a hub BHP? I have no idea how it works but I didn't mean it like that. More in the way of data traveling to the machine and back. I have no idea to be fair lol #teamtarmac
  14. I guess it's for a more accurate reading over a rolling dyno?
  15. he was following me i made the turn he didnt he has it on video You mean I followed your line.... just the difference is I was lower and totaled the bumper
  16. That's pretty good going ..... Is that whp of hub hp? Thats whp. Check out Sasha Anis on youtube if you want any ideas on NA tuning, probably the only person i have found that has taken the VQ platform to the extreme. I believe at the moment he is producing 414WHP with a 3.7L (was originally a 3.5L HR engine but changed the crankcase and many other bits) He has a custom made straight through exhaust, Jenvey ITBs but with custom made trumpets and a whole slew of other bits and pieces. I believe he is also taken the rev limit up to 9500prm though from what he has said he wants to go to 10500pm. Look at the OnPoint Dyno website. He has multiple blogs on his progress. At the moment he has just had a custom gearbox made for sequential shifting. And i might be wrong but with no need for the clutch pedal. Dunno if this will entice the guys who wants to NA tune their Zs. It definitely does me! That on abbeys dyno ? If so that's hub bhp, about 20 bhp down on whp . Even if that's the case 280 at the wheels is pretty good going for bolt on's ! It will be at the wheels. It's a HR. otherwise 280 is terrible.
  17. Some Pictures from the weekend at Japfest....
  18. Sounds like you're doing pretty well! Got legendary yet? I'm still struggling getting above rank 10 haha. My excuse is that I'm a casual HS player Got a few Legendary's - I went through a period of playing it for 2 Months solid. Got a lot of Coins/Dust etc Arena runs. My highest is Rank 2 - And I didn't get higher because it was Christmas Eve So didn't get a chance to carry on before the month ended. I'm back to casual at the moment, just have a couple games here and there. The new Expan should definitely liven it all up a bit.
  19. I'm back on HS waiting for the expansion. Yeah same. I've prepurchased the 50 packs. Can't wait to open them! Yeah I still need to pre purchase. I want a new Deck, I've got a perfect War deck which has a good 70%+ win ratio, but it's just boring now.
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