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Everything posted by Grundy

  1. Have to disagree with this. I picked my Zed up a few weeks ago and when driving back on a straight dual carriageway at the appropriate speed, in rain, in 6th gear and with traction turned on, I slowed to about 55 due to a car ahead. When he moved over I gently accelerated back up the cruise speed and fish tailed left and right 3 or 4 times before I got it straight. Completely took me by surprise. It wasn't provoked at all but I suspect either greasy roads or possibly a fuel spillage perhaps? Either way, while I caught it, it could easily have spun and caused an accident. No clutch dumping was required to get it spinning Wonder what that's all about. I've never had my Z fishtail without provoking it. And certainly not with TC on. Even in the wet. And that's with forced induction too. I can get it right out of shape if I want to and slide all day long but I dint see how it's loss of traction can be so unexpected if you're not giving it the beans. Or like you say, oil on road etc. +1 How do you get the car to fish tail in 6th at 50?
  2. Total War: Arena - Free Alpha atm - Freaking awesome if you like the TW series.
  3. Meh, he posted up on the forum...what was OP expecting
  4. Don't have to be a gangster to appreciate music For instance I like Tracy Chapman
  5. Almost, but not quite perfect Also the man is a legend! He may well be a legend but for the wrong reasons in my book ! Every song I've heard is bitch this , bitch that , f&ck you and I hate my dad and mum etc Exactly, so unless you've heard his albums, songs which haven't been in the spot light, you'd understand how awesome he is for the right reasons.
  6. Almost, but not quite perfect Also the man is a legend!
  7. That's top end of 3rd. Would of more than likely been 50ish as the incident would arrive from delivering the power down too quickly in the wet.
  8. As per above. If anyone has a pair laying around, get in touch
  9. Are you still on OEM suspension? If so, I'd be quite confident on wagering that it's how you approach your parking space as opposed to the bumper. We all know my car is stupidly low, I've yet to scrape my bumper, and I attempt most speed bumps/inclines. It's all about the approach, not the ride height (unless you are literally on the ground, then you're ****ed)
  10. Loved it....But how many dicks do you have to go through before you reached something that awesome?
  11. Grundy


    Headers don't help, Tried and tested Thats with Decats and a full straight through system
  12. HR's are the master race, completely different to a 350z. Joking aside, Either of those sizes is fine.
  13. Isn't the GTST the basic model? Say a JDM 350z, 02 plate, with no brembo's leather etc vs a 09 HR?
  14. When I said bigger not Bgw big Baby steps I prefer to call it anti chav steps Also Man up and get the Do-Luck wing, you know it makes sense. Dude that wing is hideous, would rather head butt a unicorn than have that on the rear end I'll find you a unicorn, Then when you headbutt it, I will accept defeat
  15. When I said bigger not Bgw big Baby steps I prefer to call it anti chav steps Also Man up and get the Do-Luck wing, you know it makes sense.
  16. I bought Ian's go pro, so it shall make a return
  17. Nice, ...going to share what you've gone for then or is it a surprise?. Oh and your "off" at Rockingham was disappointing. At least spin it in a circle or something next time won't you. Told ya it was crap I could of chanced it staying on, but at the time I was worried as soon as the rear wheel hit the rumble, I'd be snaking on the track. So figured best play it safe and boring. Agency Power. Firgured I've got about 6 months before I go back on track, so wanted to use the time to **** about in something stupid
  18. hmmm.. I don't entirely agree Granted ( I didn't look at the interior after I saw the pointless harnesses ) Okay them flappy paddels The interior is a lot worse than the exterior.
  19. It's just badly colour coded :shrugs: You're all making out like it's the end of the world. A few of you run those fenders a few of you run those skirts a few of you run that wing Had the colour choices been different (i.e. less black in a few places) And lose the stupid ass air intakes on the bonnet and roof (along with the circle one on the bumper) I don't think it would get half the hate it is receiving.
  20. Should put up a post clause so it goes to an actual member, not someone who just signs up to the forum for this one thread
  21. Says the man who was growing fond and asking daring question about wheels
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