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Everything posted by Grundy

  1. Yeah I had just got back to a garage I tried today, absolutely awesome! Only garage I've found thanks to Coldel that rent out their ramp. So we used their ramp and our tools and did the work. But he deals with modified cars, he's friendly, great service. Not like your typical garages that just want your money, he shares the same passion. Check out South Coast Workshop - Only have facebook atm. But they're based in emsworth.
  2. I did flash you were in a silver one (Or GM) heading towards Whitley, M27 junction?
  3. Grundy

    Wanted Y pipe

    Ah I didn't know the price of his Y-pipes, just knew they were cheap and well made
  4. Grundy

    Wanted Y pipe

    Tarmac has his own custom ones buddy - life time warranty I believe.
  5. Too soon junior! Also OP - Avoid the garages price for that powerflow system, too expensive.
  6. If you're on a budget. I belive Tarmac@Tarmacsportz do their own band of Y pipe at a very good price. I'd recommend a Scorpian system. Probably the quietest system (or one of ) on the market. Will be louder than OEM (so it will tick your 15% box) and is also a cheap exhaust system. Around 400 I believe. Not 100% sure if Tarmac can get that system, but I know Mitz@Cougarstore can on here
  7. Hey buddy - Are you on facebook? Check out our page. https://www.facebook.com/teamtarmacsportzI'd post up our website, but I'm not allowed
  8. If a 'chav' could afford, design and fit that wing...then they're not a 'chav'
  9. C'mon Dan, don't lie, you know it wouldn't be the same without
  10. i like it , business as usual for us to then, be alot more mainstrem when the 2.0T version comes out soon Was about to say the same, I love the seats
  11. I thought I heard on the news earlier that the cameraman was shot too? Has that changed? Video starts with him walking up like holding a phone at the crew (he comes from behind the women holding mic) Camera guy looking over the balcony, Guy pulls out gun holding at women, no one notices, he then must pull it down and cocks it. Then shoots the Women 2 or 3 times, then the cameraman, but after the 2/3 shots he drops the phone on the floor and all you hear is bullets and screams.
  12. Just watched the footage, the killer recorded it whilst shooting
  13. Grundy

    what are these?!

    Dan you should know these, me and steve posted them to you on FB Top look like Rota P1's (Volk reps of the CE series I think)
  14. Ah, were you right clicking? Did you try Ctrl + V ?
  15. The people that I've spoken to about it, they don't like the vents on this rep :/
  16. Guess you didn't read my post then There is no need for the Green button usage. It's called disc space. This is a forum, not a image hosting site.
  17. If I'm reading it right, you mean you're having trouble uploading you PB image to this forum? You don't need to click the 'green box' Just copy the IMG code from your photo on PB - and just paste it in to this text box. I.e. [img}blahblahablah[/imag
  18. Posting on the internet saying I was speeding down a residential road in the wet and totaled my car....What was he expecting, round of applause and a medal?
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