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Everything posted by Grundy

  1. Granted mine and Craigs (green one) aren't the same as the others, but still be coming too common. Going to have to remove mine soon
  2. Probably more zeds in the UK running that wing now than Stubbies.
  3. Nah I'm working back at Eastleigh now. So I'll be moving towards Fareham area, so looking for something a bit cheaper to run so I can buy a nicer place.
  4. That sounds nice Matt bet it's loud in the cabin.. Looks rather low does it scrap at all? Nope, no scrapage as of yet will have some pic and videos hopefully this weekend Did you manage to get any videos? He did, but he's banned.
  5. Just wanted to see if anyone was about to sell up, before I make a purchase on Autotrader. Anyone looking at selling there run around? Or know of someone selling up. Looking for something similar (or a) Ford Fiesta, 1.2 Price: £500 or less Age: Doesn't matter Mot: is a must. Bodywork: Doesn't matter can look like a pile of @*!# as long as it drives fine. Iceing on the cake would be a MK3 golf TDI or an old audi estate
  6. Yup, mainly down to it all being used by a guy. I.e. the rule is (depends on which track) Hold throttle at 3/4revs / 2/3rd revs etc. And the guy recording has to stand about a meter away. But all this is never going to be 100% same layout at each track. One guy might stand an inch or two too close, one might get you to hold the revs higher/lower etc. Tricky one to manage.
  7. I wouldn't even use the Iphone app as a bench mark dude. We've used them in the past and they are miles off. fair enough. any alternatives, aside from driving to track and finding out? Best off finding someone with a proper DB meter. The app recorded mine at over 100DB. But when at track it was 87, we then recorded a few more, and they were all 100+. So the data from the app was just @*!#
  8. Grundy

    Gudzy's GT86

    I think Rocky might becoming a converter over to the #TeamJezzaKay!
  9. I wouldn't even use the Iphone app as a bench mark dude. We've used them in the past and they are miles off.
  10. I've got a full decatted exhaust system waiting for approval by the mods for sale shortly Recorded in at 87DB - so suitable for most tracks
  11. I didn't know this was a thing! I love Total War games I'll definitely check this out. Can't recommend it enough! When I was opening up Rome, the news feed popped up with it, so it took me to this website - http://www.totalwar.com/arenaThey send you an email with the CD key to type into Steam. It's such an awesome game. 10v10, you each control 3 battalions. Start off with peasant like units, but the more you play, the more Exp you get, which you can upgrade your units with better armor, to then unlock the next tier units. There is currently 6 generals. As you choose a leader, not a faction, 3 different famous generals for Rome inc Ceaser, and 3 for Greece inc Leonidas. I was a bit wary at first, as I thought it was just going to be a pay to win game. However it's all pretty much cosmetics. You can upgrade your units with real money, but as you advance, you play with people the same level as you, so even then you don't necessarily win because of 'your awesome units' as they all have the same units too. Early stages so far as it's in alpha, but it really is a polished game. I just can't wait for Warhammer TW - That is a real game changer!
  12. The first 2/3mins on cold idle, it's droney on the outside, ricocheting off the houses after that, once it's warmed up, it's just as quiet as OEM on idle. But as soon as you hit 801revs Hell breaks loose. Although, it's not too bad slow driving, I'm just using higher gears at lower speeds, i.e. 2nd gear when I hit 10mph and it's fine in residential area's. Not too daunting on everyone.
  13. Agency power. I'll have one for sale very soon DIBS!!! Don't say I didn't warn you I hop it's not a daily, and if it is, I hope you don't have to leave and drive before 8am You will love it though!
  14. I want it, I might have to sell some counter strike guns and buy it Or gamble them on skinarena.com and win someone else's skins to sell? My copy of Mad Max unlocked on steam this morning and so far I'm enjoying it, the controls are a little weird and you can't move and shoot but apart from that everything is nicely polished and the graphics are ace Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Oo MM Is out today? Best get downloading
  15. **Mods Att - Sorry guys, in the middle of moving house this week, so the exhaust is in storage at a friends house (Pete, a member on here) untill I have my own place with storage. So apologies for no Data/Time stamp, I should have one up by next weekend. Would appricate the approval, as funds will help me get my new place ** Up for sale my fully custom stainless exhaust system. Includes a Fully one off custom Y pipe and Decats intergrated as one. Mileage: 20k DB: 87 - When I got sound tested at combe, static 4k revs was 87db. So perfect exhaust for track days. There is no drone with this exhaust. Why did I go custom? Because I wanted something different when attending meets, and it did the job, Full throttle and this exhaust is something completely different to static reving. The buyer will be very happy with this Condition: - 8/10 - Never been one for polishing my tips, so it has a lot of fumes/dirt attached to it. I shall polish this up before the buyer collects. Flexi's are in good condition - 1 is 100% fine, 1 is 90% fine, has some fraying (I must of clipped it on a bump, no holes or leaks though) Location: - Portsmouth - Collection only please, I'm usually happy to ship most products, however this is just too much of a PITA to package. Price: £400 (Includes everything, Decats/Y-pipe/Mid Pipe/Backbox.) This is a bespoke exhaust, that was built to fit my car. So it will fit any 03-06 UK Zeds. Not 100% on JDM models as I know there are some slight differences under the car. So buy at your own risk I'm afraid JDMers. Unfortunately I haven't taken any pictures when I took it off at the weekend. (in the process of moving house, so everything is up in the air at the moment, and the zorst is stored round a friends house) I will give the exhaust a good polish next weekend (if it hasn't sold by then) clean it up and get some fresh new pictures up. But here's some from when it was made and various other times. Reason for selling? Wanted something loud, single exit for 6 months. I was planning on keeping it and switching back next year, however the exhaust only lines up with the custom Y pipe, So I'd have to switch the entire system again. So easier to just sell and by another exhaust come next year. Again, these pictures are from when it was first made, and various times throughout the year. I shall get updated ones next week. Y Pipe/Decats in the back left of this one. Taken when the engine was switched.
  16. This thing is just pure sex! Ridiculously loud. It's now better as a town car, I drive it slow to keep the noise down The video really doesn't capture it's true sound. Full chat it's just awesome! I wouldn't recommend buying this exhaust until you've heard it in the flesh and sat as a passenger, as it's really a one off zorst.
  17. I think it can give you an approximate indication, or at least i'd like to think so. Yeah it's just a pressure reading. So in a way you can tell if you have no oil, there will be no pressure (or a sensors gone)
  18. The exhaust is pure epicness, I just wouldn't advise it for anyone Loudest thing you're going to own. Passengers will hate you, Neighbours will hate you, Police will love you. But it's just so fun
  19. He was one of the inspirations, but just wasn't a fan of the diffuser. If I do go diffuser, it'd be a full custom fully aero working one. I took his idea with the sides though, decided to go up to show more tread. NWP in america was where I got the initial idea, his 350hp NA time attack monster is insane.
  20. Don't know if it's just me, but those studs look too short for the spacer.
  21. Pretty much that. Bumper and Diffuser took a bit of a beating. So I ended up playing with this while I ordered a new one
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