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Everything posted by Grundy

  1. Even then their customer service is sh!t I'd never want to deal with them again after my last purchase.
  2. Agreed, Driftworks is only really good for us in the UK as they import in bulk from the states to bring the cost down. You should be able to get these products much cheaper state side.
  3. Bobs gone. Someone else will need to keep this active with me now. #teamtarmac
  4. Looks to me like you are never getting out of user sub
  5. You guys do know, higher gear doesn't mean better MPG... Granted don't be cruising at 70 in 3rd, but doing 40 in 6th is doing you no favours either.
  6. Fine I'll be the one that makes this easier. Thread should of basically started like this - 'If I was to do a full engine rebuild, what internal components would I need on my shopping list?' I'm pretty sure bladders wants some one to go Pistons - £300 Gasket - £150 Cams - £459 Etc
  7. Yeah but i'd rather this guy build my engine, i've seen what he can do and i want boost eventually. if you want boost then don't go oem internals?
  8. Glad you enjoyed it buddy Was yours the Blue zed by any chance?
  9. If you look on Facebook - Southcoastworkshop - Based in Emsworth Only about 20miles from you. They will rent out their ramp to you at a really good price. Great work shop too! He will lend you the odd tool you're missing. Give him a call and explain the situation. It's where I went to change my exhaust.
  10. All my tools are in my old house which is rented out So no access to Tools I'm afraid.
  11. So you almost total your car and think this is a great time to go buy another car and go on track? Go get some training and learn how to drive your car.
  12. CS/Tarmac for your Pads Speak to Clarky Motorsports for your Service supplies.
  13. Steve, who is Steve and where has he gone? He pushed the admins buttons, had a few warnings, carried on, now he is gone. @*!#, a simple statement like that was clear and easy :S
  14. Aye I'm working back at Beastliegh now. The other is my colleagues Neil, he's on the forum as a Lurker
  15. Love mine, fully adjustable, that's setup about half way, so loads of room to go lower, loads of room to revert back to OEM height. They're also supplied with the dampening adjusters, to adjust the ride stiffness. Some brands/suppliers don't include those with the product for some reason and charge more for them :S BC's, have a guess where from
  16. No internetz, so going through the COD Campaigns Cod4 down, MW2 to go next Then I need to relive the Halo series ready for 5!
  17. Lets face it, the reason the information isn't open to the forum, is because the team doesn't want the grief and hassle of people complaining about the reason. I.e. 'WhackyWill was banned for mouthing off at such and such' Response being from the forum, But such and such is a dick, no need for the ban' or 'I've done trades with X plenty of times, never have I had not received and item etc' Let's be honest, that's the real reason, you guys don't want to Ban someone and realise it was a mistake once debated throughout the forum. That isn't a dig at the team, but that's the only reason I can think of, unless it really is a petty power trip that you want to keep this information to your self just for that. As I said, not having a dig, just stating what seems obvious to me, yet know one wants to say it, but it's an open forum, if that can't be said then what can.... If those are neither the answers then why can't the real answer be given instead of, 'closed for discussion' That's just exacerbating things... Curious about the pre-warning of the imminent ban and time to tidy up your PM's and dealings with trades. Steve got banned, but was notified a couple of hours after his ban via an email. So he had no time to finish off any PM's that were going on to other members... Now you could argue he's lying, I've not seen his emails etc, but I have no reason not to believe him.
  18. we all know the rules, we're not questioning that. We're asking if we could get as such, a small statement each time someone gets banned. What if for example someone was doing a trade with a user and they get banned, but don't realise they're banned etc.
  19. Ok, I killed Smudgeon aka Jordan - but I did apologize Wouldn't have got banned for that So how about it Mr Mod Could we get a statement if people are banned, nothing detailed, just to what end they got banned/suspended for? JP,It is currently being discussed I guess it would solve all the 'Why is such and such banned'
  20. Turns out it's been there over a week. And the keying wasn't there when it first parked up.
  21. Indeed, for all we know though, the keying could of been done at a completely different location. His parkings fine etc, so no reason for a random car to do that.
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