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Everything posted by Grundy

  1. Not really How do you know Goodridge decided they didn't want to sell them for X amount, and decided to use that as an excuse?
  2. Well Iv got a feeling even if they don't pop up and say there bit and explain why they want to screw the members over so the can make a few extra Quid and destroy a One off Deal just because they have nothing better to do with there time that in a few weeks/months whenever they will start doing deals on Goodridge stuff...... So I'll just wait for that then it will show which Traders are only out for themselves and not the real people who make this forum!! Your Rant is making no sense. Try using some punctuation. What exactly was said between you and goodridge? As you first stated that the trader who 'shall not be named' on here don't deal with them, however nearly all traders on this forum do...
  3. It was clearly obvious SMD was blaming Tarmac. Just SMD was wrong and should retract his posts.
  4. Brad, you're making a fool of yourself, I can post some screenshots to refresh your memory if you want... so petty.
  5. He's not the only one, you can't please everyone I suppose. +1 I wouldn't go there again.
  6. might be time for me to sell up and get a s15 then
  7. Don't know where you're getting this figure from - As majority of the scene will run 18/19" with the odd shitty looking 20";;.
  8. Grundy

    Front Seats

    Took like 30 seconds to find the answer on google....just saying.
  9. How come Grundy? It's not parallel to the seat. I.e The straps would have to clip on either side of the poll. Where the support bar is welded on, is the ideal position for one of the straps.What you want to make that design work, is another metal loop added on top of the main harness bar, for the harness, which would also stop them sliding along the bar. Shitty mock up - But Green is where the harnesses would sit at the moment, Red is where they should sit. As you can see, red won't fit like that because of the design. I get it! Is there anyway of mounting to rear strut/ shock towers? I'm looking at getting harnesses and seats but not sure where to mount harnesses It needs hoops like this to stabalise the straps and allow the correct mounting position. People have mounted to the rear strut. It's strong enough, however it's not a legit location if you were to get into any competition track/drift work.
  10. How come Grundy? It's not parallel to the seat. I.e The straps would have to clip on either side of the poll. Where the support bar is welded on, is the ideal position for one of the straps. What you want to make that design work, is another metal loop added on top of the main harness bar, for the harness, which would also stop them sliding along the bar. Shitty mock up - But Green is where the harnesses would sit at the moment, Red is where they should sit. As you can see, red won't fit like that because of the design.
  11. Just a shame it's not a suitable design for harnesses
  12. one of my faves! WOMBLES!!!! Eddie, would it scar you for life If I told you they were just puppets?
  13. But that's the thing, FPS's are pretty short campaigns, because the game is pretty linear - There's no free roam, side quests etc like in Assassins creed for example. You could just do all the main missions and be done in a day. But only have 20% of the game completed. Halo 4 you need to play for the feels!!!! And don't touch number 5 until you've played 4, other wise you will spoil the feels Just got to pay for <3 of story Always had Halo on every release day. Fan boy The multiplayer is definitely worth it too, some nice new features and game modes in this one.
  14. Yeah **** you guys, glad I glanced away from those comments.
  15. Tax might increase on food next year, lets whack up the Tax now by 50% just incase.
  16. What's peoples thoughts on the S15 prices...
  17. Just paid £142 per tyre on a 275/40/18 MPSS - Tyreleader
  18. Sounds like your AC belt is worn/coming apart. That would explain the tapping noise - The rubber flapping on something as it rotates round, it will rotate faster with revs - Thus tapping getting more erratic. Just look down the front of your engine between the Radiator and the engine, you will see the belt. (That's if this car is a DE) Look for any wear marks, it should be pretty obvious. Failing that, start the car up, and get someone to build up the revs slowly as you stand in front of the engine bay listening.
  19. In answer to your question, You need a white primer, don't go black or grey etc. White to make the paint the correct shade.
  20. nope, unless you live in a snow prone area - I.e. Scotland.
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