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Everything posted by Stutopia

  1. It was late, I'd had a drink, I knew they weren't the prettiest but they gave me a smile and winked at me, seemed like a good idea at the time. Then I woke this morning up to the reality of the situation. Surely we've all been there and done something we're not proud of. Please don't judge me until I finally get to see some other Zeds in the flesh!
  2. Awesome "practical" car. You didn't fancy the Volvo instead?
  3. Whilst we're on ass lights... http://item.mobileweb.ebay.co.uk/viewitem?itemId=380596452439&cmd=VIDESC
  4. Interesting, I thought the 3rd were about the best of the bunch but then you get to not far off the price of the proper Nissan's, which kind of defeats the object of picking up a bargain. Guess it makes sense to save up another pay day and go for the Real McCoy. Ta for the input fellas.
  5. I do like a firm opinions. Any further from hideous or still in the same ballpark? http://www.vividracing.co.uk/spyder_led_black_tail_lights_nissan_350z_02_05_1013853072.php
  6. I was looking for facelift LED rear lamp clusters for my 2004 and stumbled across these. Anyone fitted these, or used this site? http://www.racerbits.com/servlet/Detail?no=169 Think they'll be any good? Or maybe these LED efforts? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/02-05-Nissan-350Z-LED-Black-Lexus-Rear-Tail-lights-/380597382250?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item589d5f2c6a
  7. Very impressive, looks mint. I'd love to have the skills for this kind of mod.
  8. Ooooohhh, nice to have someone up North. Welcome.
  9. That's so much better than what I said. It should be known as the "ripped out fireplace" scenario.
  10. As above. I'm relatively new to quality car audio, but I know a bit about quality home audio and the amp makes a huge difference to your overall sound. The speakers are simply the last line in the production of sound. It starts with the media (e.g. cd or ipod), then source (the head unit/cd player), then the cables to the amp, then the amp, then the cables from the amp to the speakers, than lastly the speakers themselves. This is like a big river, flowing from source (head unit) to mouth (speaker). To get the best from the speakers everything "upstream" must be as good or better than the speakers themselves. If the head unit is crap, million pound speakers will still sound poor, likewise for the amp. Imagine if you play a rubbish tape on a great hi-fi, it can't make the tape sound great. If the "flow" from the source is restricted along the route, you can't ever get that back downstream, it is held back by the upstream components before it ever reaches the speakers. The idea of any system is to get as true a representation from the source out of the speakers as possible, quality can only ever be lost along the way, it can't be added in. Bit of a clumsy analogy but I think it just about makes sense!
  11. Now you mention it there was this beautiful Asian baby in Cheetahs in Vegas*, it's almost identical. * I don't frequent this sort of place, it was part of the movie tour of Vegas, Showgirls route.
  12. Anyone else think the waxybox air freshener is the greatest smell ever? I might get some for the house.
  13. There's the sub behind the drivers seat too, though I've read on here people saying they don't have one/it's missing. As for the sizes I believe my speakers went straight in, with the only modifying being dynamatting and mounting the speakers on MDF to isolate from the metal work and cut down (some of) the resonance. I must admit, I did nothing myself, felt more confident leaving it to a pro. HOWEVER, please DO NOT take my word for this stuff, I'm a noob and there are lots more knowledgeable people with real hands on experience on here. I'm sure I've seen lots of threads thanking buster for work and input. Search the threads there is loads of detail.
  14. I went for some Hertz HSK 165 component (front) Hertz HCX 165 (rear). At first I was bit underwhelmed, but after some sound advice (see what I've done there) from SMD and twiddling with the setup, I'm really loving them now. They seem to have opened up about after some use too. Got a little carve up job left to do on the front grills to finish the job off, but overall they sound and detail is pleasing. I would recommend them but getting the right sound is such a personal and subjective thing, so trust your own ears. It's not quite as easy to demo car kit as it is home stereo, which makes it that bit harder. Sadly I can't advise if the slightly muddled (IMHO) sound in the bose stereo is because of the amp or drivers, so I changed both!
  15. I only allow pure, distilled water inside the car, to maintain my purity of essence. Fast Food inside is right out!
  16. As I've got know the inside of my Zed, it's become apparent that the dash cup holder in my 2004 is rubbish. Not sure what kind of cup/bottle it is supposed to hold well, but I've yet to find one. This has got me wondering if anyone has done anything more useful with theirs?
  17. You work this stuff in with a microfibre, or just splash it all over like a bit of Brut?
  18. That bronze is definitely back on the menu.
  19. Had a play in aperture as I wanted to steal your great side on shot, only fair to share my highly amateur efforts. Hope you don't mind me butchering your work, I'm only just getting used to using it.
  20. Nice handle, I do like the momo options. I'm getting a bit excited about this one from across the pond, http://www.crowderscustomizing.com/ISOTTA-482-CX-p/isotta_482-cx.htm Having read the guides on here and other sites it seems most handles require some modification with a dremel to get a good fit, however, all of those have round bottom holes. The description on the one above states it is triangular with dimension 31mm high, the bottom third 23mm wide and top 29mm wide (sound more like a trapezoid than a triangle to me). I can't tell from the below nude photo (borrowed from other thread) if that will squeeze on. Anyone who's actually down this have any idea if I could mod this to fit?
  21. Looks mean, like it a lot! Excuse the noob question but Is that a lip on an OEM front bumper, or is the whole bumper a mod?
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