Did you have to use the word fictitious? Seems disrespectful to me.
Thanks for picking that up, reading it back now I can see how it might be taken that way by some readers. Apologies to those who were offended, it was not my intention, it merely reflects my view on matters theological. I suspect the potential group of offendees is relatviely small given even the most zealous believers I've met, to date, don't consider the story of Adam & Eve to be a literal transcription of the events which took place to form our, or indeed any, universe. However, small as that group may be, I'm sorry and I shall endeavour not to offend you in future.
Personally, as an atheist I wouldn't be offended if someone suggested Adam wasn't fictitious as in the earlier thread, despite it conflicting with my own viewpoint. I'd simply disagree, but not everyone reacts in this tolerant way.