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Everything posted by Stutopia

  1. Get a cheap Scorpion then use the saved cash for Berks sounds ace to my ears, no drone, but loud when you crank it up to 11.
  2. I've got a 2004 DE, no nav, I just wedge my garmin in there nicely and bob's your uncle. I'm tempted to fit it permanently in that space. If you have the skills, the cubby is the perfect size to rip the cubby lid off and jam a nexus 7 in there. Then you've got sat nav and tunes and anything else you want for a fraction of the price of the OEM with a nice little tablet to boot.
  3. This sounds interesting, it'd be cool to see some pics when you get beavering away, good luck!
  4. I was thinking you'll need more supports, those mounts don't look substantial enough What's going in there? A spitfire engine?
  5. No worries mate, do your checks and see what you need
  6. My w brace on my 2004 was just a rust sculpture, but having seen underneath a few times I can't recall much with this kind of rust, just some surface stuff on the ARBs.
  7. I did get a free trim clip from Chorley Nissan Blackpool
  8. You could have the black bit on the bumper in white? That'd be well Jackson.
  9. Tyres gone too - cheers for prompt payment.
  10. Aren't the OEM cats something nuts like £800?
  11. Totally normal. It barely even bothers me now when I get a semi running my hand over the wheel bulge on the rear quarters.
  12. That exhaust will keep your passenger's nuts toasted when you drop 'em off and they fetch their bag out the boot. Love the colour.
  13. Just last night I went out front to meet the Domino's guy and watched him swerve around a total überdick driving the wrong way down our one way street. I think he thought the people waving and flashing were just being super friendly. For me, this is worse than misdemeanor speeding as cars entering the one way, pedestrians crossing it and people joining from side roads are only expecting to look one way for traffic. No entry signs are driving 101, I'd have 'em doing retests straight away, no points, no warnings, straight back to school.
  14. Exhaust mounts sold & dispatched - cheers for the prompt payment. Tyres are waiting to be loaded into the courier's van - sorry Easty, this one looks a done deal.
  15. Ouch, that's a price for tyres. Any chance you can peddle on your Dunlop fogiefrighteners to off set the whack?
  16. Yeah, they make a really nice difference. Bang up-to-date.
  17. Cheers gang, looks like I'm on the right track. Thanks for the additional tips and links ilogikal1 and bems
  18. I quite fancy a DA polisher, I've read many a thread and guide on here and other sites, suffering from a touch of information overload, so I'm hoping for some confirmation that I'm not about to drop a huge nut and sabotage my Zed's paint. I'm acutely aware of the Zed paint being soft, so I figured on the "PB soft kit" http://www.polishedbliss.co.uk/acatalog/pb-soft-paint-polishing-kit-cat1.html#aMasterZG220SP0 with a DA polisher from below, which I'm hoping will make it really difficult to make monkey's breakfast of my paint. I saw the Meg's G220 and the DAS-6 (and it's excellent price point). Would it be a big loss over the Meg's offering? I don't normally cheap out, but I just wondered if there was much in it. http://www.polishedbliss.co.uk/acatalog/kestrel-das6-dual-action-machine-polisher-cat10.html http://www.polishedbliss.co.uk/acatalog/meguiars-g220-dual-action-machine-polisher-cat10.html Initially I plan to just give her a simple polish until I become familiar with the machine, pads, fluids, etc before even thinking about any kind of correction. Is this decent starting place for a DA noob? Are the backings plates and pads pretty much interchangeable across brands or am I "locked in"? Ta.
  19. This is way cool, a whole new level and it would freak out my mates who don't get why I don't use the drive through wash at the garage.
  20. Not finished yet, waiting for a centre piece, got to sort out the LED lighting, oh and remake the hood because I stuffed up the first one Sent from the golf club... Will it have a little bloke in one of the old skool diving suits with a big copper helmet (on his head)? They're ace.
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