I quite fancy a DA polisher, I've read many a thread and guide on here and other sites, suffering from a touch of information overload, so I'm hoping for some confirmation that I'm not about to drop a huge nut and sabotage my Zed's paint. I'm acutely aware of the Zed paint being soft, so I figured on the "PB soft kit"
with a DA polisher from below, which I'm hoping will make it really difficult to make monkey's breakfast of my paint. I saw the Meg's G220 and the DAS-6 (and it's excellent price point). Would it be a big loss over the Meg's offering? I don't normally cheap out, but I just wondered if there was much in it.
Initially I plan to just give her a simple polish until I become familiar with the machine, pads, fluids, etc before even thinking about any kind of correction. Is this decent starting place for a DA noob? Are the backings plates and pads pretty much interchangeable across brands or am I "locked in"?