I recently picked up one of the Pixma's for light home and office use. Looks quite sexy, does edge to edge photo printing, decent speeds on monocrome, double sided printing, ethernet and wifi and airprint (i.e. print direct from ipad or iphone). It doesn't mind getting through ink, but the quality is good with 6 or so inks you only change the ones you are caning. There's also a dedicated big black tank for text printing.
It was easy to setup, the touchscreen is passable, I think you can print remotely over the web (not tried it yet) scanning and copying are a bonus too. Really like it and it's not given me any aggro so far. The downside, it takes a while to warm up from off and it's quite noisy on full chat. There's a chunk of bloatware that comes with it, but you can strip most of it off.