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Everything posted by Stutopia

  1. Right here mate http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/88887-350z-aluminum-interior-vent-trims/
  2. They look sumptuous as well as supportive. Nice!
  3. If you use the 'Follow This Topic' button up at the top on a thread and you bookmark the 'Content I Follow' page, you will always have your threads of choice at your fingertips
  4. In for the blurry photos! Love these builds
  5. Suggest you start with pulling the code form the CEL and finding what it is, rather than clearing it.
  6. Hey Stu, Any more info on that? I'm speaking to as many as i can at the moment cheers, Matt Forum trader http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/141-horsham-developments/ I must admit I've only used them for a few small items, nothing like a rebuild, but I've only heard excellent reports from people who've had supercharging and the like done there. Miles away from you but defo worth a shot. Good luck mate.
  7. You've all gone quiet! FEED ME ZED PICS
  8. Surely the downforce will hold it on?
  9. Happy Birthday mate, enjoy the relaxation
  10. I'm just gonna start a crowdfunding campaign... GLWTS
  11. Normally I'd be in for that but this weekend I'm off to the NFL at Twickers
  12. That makes sense if your gonna correct afterward. I've toyed with a "foam" attachment to my hose and abandoning my wash bucket altogether, so after foam and a PW rinse, just switch to the hose foamer and spray it all over the mitt and then just in front of the mitt as you work the panel. Rinsing the mitt once a panel or twice for the bonnet.
  13. Stutopia

    quad tip exhaust

    Can't think of one with 4 tips except the GTR modified ones that have popped up.
  14. Open hose is perfect for post mitt wash and minimising spotting (and drying!). Given the climate here, you'd be unlucky to get spots between foam rinse end and start of mitt wash. Maybe somewhere hot like California...
  15. Try PMs to zmanalex and Jon at emperor on here too.
  16. My basic reader called out the cam position sensors specifically. You've got a couple of specialists relatively near to London in Kaizer and Abbey.
  17. ^^^ that's some kind of magic ^^^
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