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About 350zroadsterGT

  • Birthday 15/05/1968


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  1. Anyone going to Cars & Coffee at Re:Fuel on 18th June? https://fb.me/e/UiUHAW6D Re:Fuel - Cars & Coffee Southwest - The #1 Venue for Enthusiasts (re-fuel.co.uk)
  2. Anyone in the southwest have an early 350z xanavi nav system that want to sell ( the one with the remote). I know most people ripped them out. My screens gone blank and I need to get a replacement screen and DVD unit to see what's packed up. Wanting to keep the car fairly stock as purchased so not looking for upgrade solutions. Cheers (Pref Dorset / Devon areas)
  3. A really good day, great to see everyone today.
  4. Its not a bad job, its the ribbon cable between the CD and amp, the connections are push in and over time they break down, strip it down, cut 1mm off to get a new contact point and reinsert, it'll work fine again. The longest part will be stripping and rebuilding the dash to get the head out. While you are there do the iPod/mp3 hack too, you acn then run the headphone jack into the cubby while its all going back together. Have fun, its not that difficult.í ½í¸
  5. The cables attached to the motor have seized which then caused the motor to fail, need the whole assembly.
  6. 5th bow has just gone on mine, 12 week wait for delivery from Japan...
  7. If you set out to get a roadster then get a coupe, there WILL be one day, when the sun is out, and someone goes past in a roadster with the roof down and you are in a hot sweaty box. It was the thought I had when I was impatiently waiting for a "goodun" to turn up, I just knew I would kick myself for not holding out. Yea the sun don't always shine, but when it does.... It'll put a massive smile on your face... And if you want some sun, you can't beat a drive through the Alps to southern France and Italy. :-)
  8. ... Depends how many pieces they are in.... This IS EastEnders afterall and the are all hard Slaags! Bring back Den and Angie...
  9. I've done a few eu trips in the zed, Monza for the gp in sept is good, the high alp passes are still snow closed until mid to late june and august can be a nightmare for traffic. So plan for July or sept to be able to get the roof down and have some fun, another good run is down the west of France, a play in the pyranees, Andorra is great, and you can get a 1 day mini cruise back from Santander. If you want a longer trip, the amalfi coast is truly special and you can visit Ferrari and lambo as you go through northern Italy. Stay as clear from Naples as you can though, its scarilly bonkers.
  10. Which way down, you can go down east or west side of the adriatic, as for central Europe, all the alp passes will be closed so it'll be valleys and tunnel running all the way. Not all bad then! If it was me I'd go down through France, follow the Rivera coast into Italy, quick stop at lambo or ferrari factory, down through tuscany and umbria to the east coast and ferry across to Greece from Brindisi. Worked in Greece a few years ago and seriously considered this route as i loved lots of the roads down there. Whichever way you go, enjoy the trip and share some photos.
  11. If its just scratched the clear coat, which it looks like it has, you can touch in the lacquer. Remove any wax or polish that is now in the grooves of the scratch with some spirit, tar and glue remover or acetone. Buy some lacquer and thin it down so its like water, then very carefully fill in the scratch using thin layers and a very fine brush, let each coat dry and build up the groove slowly. Only get the lacquer in the groove dont let it build up on the edges around the groove. Let it all dry, then polish the bumper and it should be almost invisible.
  12. Got my unresonated cobra from the Cougar store through the forum, great service and fit and wish I had fitted it 7 years ago when I got the car. Love it and the loud pedal never sounded so good, just wish I could stop stamping on it though as the fuel economy, such as it was, has really gone to @*!#! Ha ha!
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