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Everything posted by naz2k5

  1. Eleven Global Warming Stories From 2013 You Probably Never Heard Of 1. Antarctic Global Warming Expedition Ship Trapped in Sea Ice. You may have heard about the Russian vessel trapped 100 miles away from land in 10 feet thick ice in Antarctica and how three ice breakers have failed to rescue it. What you may not have heard is this ship is filled with Climate Scientists studying Global Warming. They are comparing data from 100 years ago when there was no sea ice in the same location. 2. Yachts Trapped in Sea Ice in the Arctic Last Summer. You probably didn’t hear about all the yachts, sailboats, rowboats, and kayaks that got trapped by sea ice while trying to sail the fabled Northwest Passage. They were promised an ice free passage. 3. Global Sea Ice at Record Levels. Al Gore and John Kerry 5 years ago predicted that 2013 would be ice free in the arctic. You probably haven’t heard that the exact opposite came true. 2013 is currently at the second highest volume of sea ice ever recorded and will probably break the all time record before the season is over. 4. Half of Meteorologists Don’t Believe in Global Warming. Nearly half of meteorologists and atmospheric science experts don’t believe that human activities are the driving force behind global warming, according to a survey by the American Meteorological Society. 5. Only 75 “Climate Scientists†Believe in Global Warming. You probably have heard ad nauseum that 97% percent of “Climate Scientists†believe in global warming. That stat was based on a study which counted only 75 of 77 “Climate Scientistsâ€. Compared to the over 31,000 scientists who have signed a petition saying they don’t believe in Global Warming. That’s only 2.3 in 1,000 or .23% of scientists that actually believe in Global Warming. 6. NASA caught fudging historical temps to make it look like the globe is warming. By massively cooling the past in their recent graphs, NASA has exaggerated the amount of warming they report by nearly twice as much as they did 13 years ago. 7. Polar Bar Population at Record Levels. Since we’ve been keeping count the Polar Bear population is estimated at a record high of 20k to 25k. 5,000 are expected to be born around the New Year in Russia alone. 8. Obama Allows Wind Farms to Kill Eagles Without Penalties. Over 50 years ago the green movement started with the book “Silent Spring†which alleged that DDT was killing the Bald Eagle. Now we have come full circle by allowing wind power companies to kill eagles without penalty because it’s “good for the planetâ€. 9. The Oceans Aren’t Rising. Remember in 2009 when the officials of the Maldives held a press conference under water to show that their islands were sinking because of global warming. Well a new study done in 2013 shows that there is nothing to worry about. 10. 2013 Was The Least Extreme U.S. Weather Year Ever. 2013 shatters the record for fewest U.S. tornadoes, 15% lower than previous record. 2013 also had the fewest U.S. forest fires since 1984. 11. No Global Warming For Over 17 Years. The RSS monthly global mean lower-troposphere temperature anomalies for November 1996 to October 2013 had shown no global warming for exactly 204 months – the first dataset to show the full 17 years without warming specified by Ben Santer as showing the models got it wrong. Link here: http://m4gw.com/eleven-global-warming-stories-from-2013-you-probably-never-heard-of
  2. naz2k5

    My Supra

    weird, dont see many blue Supras without spoilers lol !
  3. naz2k5

    My Supra

    Did i not just see this supra in Leicester a couple of days ago,traffice lights by Nuffield hospital? If it was this one looked sweet
  4. Private parking companies are known scammers, Just put a thread on here and the guys will talk you through exactly what do to get it sorted. Worked well for me twice http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/forumdisplay.php?f=163
  5. I'll just stick with this next haha
  6. Thanks mit, luckily it's got the paint shield on the front so just a minor scuff on that, not too bad.
  7. So I come out to my car and someone's parked like this, AND LEFT THEIR CAR! Yes it's touching my car! Wtf So she comes back, and it's a little old granny so I can't even say anything mean! Luckily light scratches should buff out, but :@ And I know it looks like I took too much parking but there were wheel bins on the right blocking the rest of the space! FFS
  8. Yehh I'm on assassins creed black flag, didn't like it at first compared to the other ones, then got into it massively, can't put it down!
  9. From what I hear carcovers don't do a wordl oof good as they stop a lot of the moisture from escaping
  10. Opposite the B&Q, I was waiting for someone from leicester to ask!
  11. just noticed them, dropped this blackberry 1 to many times I think!
  12. Exactly I never let anyone do it, but thought I'd give these guys ashot while watching them closely and they did well!
  13. Yeh unfortunately they dont polish up
  14. Naah, rare day off to get stuff done! And remember give me a call if you can if someones getting springs and spacers so I can have a little peek!
  15. So been meaning to wash my far for week now, couldnt find the time or the weather and drove past this car wash place in Wigston, Leicester had autoglym signs up, so thought id give them a shot as much as I hate someone else washing my car Very pleased with what they did, Started with a snow foam, not the most snowy snow foam, but not bad Seperate wash mitts for wheels and body Air blow all the water out the lines, finished with chamois (personally prefer microfibre) Then I finished it myself at home with a hit of zaino z8, and megs endurance tyre gel. But all innall pretty good job by them for 6 quid!
  16. Yeh mine's pretty loud, and was dealer fitted before I bought it (second hand). Its in the boot, when you pick up all the mats it's on the left hand side near the light
  17. Yeahh I use it daily, it's not that loud unless you thrash it, I just felt it was still a little too quiet with just the exhuast. But unlike you this is my first "loud" car so maybe I'm just enjoying it haha
  18. Haha thanks mit, i'll take this as my appreciation thread
  19. Haha thanks mit, i'll take this as my appreciation thread
  20. hey, car looks sweet, n sounding good ive got the akrapovic, but wanted a lil more sound so put on some berk HFC's and reckon it sounds perfect now. Heres the clip if you're tempted I reckon it finished it off nicely
  21. Damn 2 more holes than expected, so guess only option is get the 2 top holes sealed up amd painted, and stick the plate 2 cover the 2 bottom holes
  22. Yehh numberplates being done today hopefully!
  23. Awesome, bought the ones cs2000 recommended, and great result, looks so much better now!
  24. Heres my list 1) Car bodywork shampoo - dodo juice born to be mild 2) Polish - autoglym srp 3) Paintwork sealer - wolf gang deep gloss paint sealant 4) Wax - mix it up between autoglym hd and dodo purple haze pro 5) Wheel cleaner (really mild) - bilberry wheel cleaner 6) Tyre dressing - meguairs tyre endurance gel 7) Leather cleaner/conditioner - 3m leather wipes (from what I gather leathers nowadays come fully treated and dont need to be fed, just cleaned) 8) Car mat shampoo 9) Glass cleaner - autofinesse crystal (amazing stuff) 10) Engine bay dresser - 11) Paintwork tar/ contaminant remover - autosmart tardis, and valet pro dragon breath also zaino z8 is great to just finish with, gives an incredible gloss finish
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