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About Carl@Walsey

  • Birthday 04/04/1975

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Z Newbie

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  1. Yep I loved my GTT's its been a while now did think about getting one a couple of years a go and did go and view one, it was a absolute shed so I walked away put off. Instead I bought a pro-kart but that's only made it to the track twice in over two years, think it would be scared to be out of the shed now and would panic if brought out in the sunlight. Your GTT sounds awesome that's a lot of power, one of mine I took to Santa pod I really struggled to get traction off the line. It was only lightly modded with a small boost increase plus I had to clean the consumption tank out once a week which would fill with grey mayo lol. She ran okay though and at Santa Pod she managed a 15.1 which I didn't think was bad going as the old girl was a bit sick, I ran that time in my skyline GTST first time but did get her down to a 14.0 just before I destroyed the clutch off the line ...oops moment. A good GTT is getting hard to come by now and pricey hang on to her
  2. Well you seem like a nice bunch thank you for the welcome messages, think I've chosen my next vehicle wisely although the misses and the bank manager may disagree but what do they know
  3. The M3 are legends across the board but for a real ledge you just have to have owned a Renault GTT ! I've owned three and all were a pain in the arse to keep going but when they decide to work they are great to drive and a lot of fun, you can keep your golf GTI and ya Pug 205 GTI, R5 GTT was the best hot hatch of all times and anyone who disagrees has lots of nonsense to speak out of their bum and curly hair such as Clarkson
  4. How can you say the build quality of the E36 is poo! Im outraged by this. Have you seen the heaps of @*!# produced between 96 - 99 by other manufacturers? The E36 is an incredible car in my books! Oh, and hi! Must just be mine then, it probably was quite tight back in 1996 though it is a old car and being rattled to death on our Norfolk roads on its coilovers hasn't helped over the past few years. It does rattle and creak a bit and I'm having to stick bits of door cards and other interior components back fairly regular. I've had a few probs with the cooling system as well as some components are plastic such as the stat housing which I replaced for a metal piece last year from the States, nothing wrong with the motor though it pulls like a train just the other bits around it lol. I was expecting a good interior build quality like my old 5 series but the e36 didn't live up to those expectations, I read somewhere on the net the e36 was the first car built completely on CAD with recycling in mind hence all the nasty plastic bits but I live with it cause she looks good after a good clean and polish, much like my misses The e46 however is a much better put together car and I was originally going for one but got swayed by the old e36 looks but sadly the love affair is over and I've decided retro is out for 2013.
  5. Hi, Just signed up as I'm currently thinking about purchasing a 350z and thought it would be a good idea to find out a bit more about the car before I buy. I'm from Norfolk and sorry have no excuses for that apart from I was born here, the only other Nissan I've owned was a Skyline R33 GTST which is a great car I think you will agree and I loved it but unfortunately after 4 years of ownership it was sent on its way to car heaven by a elderly lady puling out in front of me at a crossroads, I was travelling at just under 60mph and had to ditch it. My now Wife and I survived un-hurt and so did the elderly lady. After that event I bought a old BMW E34 518 I liked the retro looks and thought I needed a sensible car for a while, it was a good car and solid but a year of ownership I was craving just a little more power lol. So as I was impressed by the BMW build quality and reliability I went out and bought a E36 328i. Its actually quite a nice looking car and the power is usable, dropped on coilovers 18" alloys, nice blue metallic but the build quality is poo and I'm constantly fixing it. So after two years of that I've decided to change for something more modern, the 350z looks great and Being Nissan and a bit of reading reliable with a good standard power output, so that's what I'm going for next its decided! I would really like a white 350z but they seem quite rare, as for modifications lowering is essential and a nice set of aftermarket rims will see me a very happy Norfolk boi !
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