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Everything posted by jake1991jake

  1. @spursmaddave i went to california in march 2012 and my mate there has a 350z and we were on our way to vegas for a friends birthday and its a long road really boring, and a 370 wanted to race, and that 370 was not stock! we dont know what he had under the dam thing but we went through with it anyway, to make the trip a bit more fun, 350 we were in was also not stock but also it was not tuned to it's full potential, 1 turbo and a aftermarket air intake with a freeflow exhaust, we smoked the hell outa that 370, after that little encounter i was like its final im getting a 350! also the shape and everything of the 350 is just so dam easy to get mods for if i want to go for a 370 i would want it to have this mods and look like this with pearl white paint This is kinda how i want my 350z to look like, this guy lowered it to much tho i want it a bit higher so that i can go over bumps. i wonder how this guy dodges potholes @stuarty i didn't have my own car before this will be my first car that is legally mine at the moment im driving a Corolla ... and worst of all its not even mine its a rental
  2. but it can't be your 'entire' life because you were about 9 when the 350 was released. :p ) yeah i know, like i said i loved it since i was younger my dad and mum said i must rather save up and buy a new 370z, but honestly that DAM LIGHTS! i hate the lights on the 370z and just the look from the front. nothing can beat the 350z, unless nissan get their old design people back and see what's in store for the next model Thanks for all the support guys! :wink: this is the only forum that people actually reply, im a member at another forum and no one ever replies to me
  3. im pretty sure i can handle the cost of running it :wink: im partners with a few other websites so i have about £4300 coming in every month and yeah im young i dont spend alot i use about 400 a month and im a medical student, so i wont be driving alot and party on weekends. insurance im sure i can take care off im just worried about the mods im "Legally" allowed to do, i want to eventually tune the car up, and drop a turbo in and lower it about 6 inches, i know im going to have problems with that latter on tho because police don't care how low the car is if its not factory they write a dam ticket for it (happened to my mate last weekend) and he only dropped his evo 3inches. My Budget for the car is £13,000 i dont want to go over it is it enough for a decent z ?
  4. Hello. im turning 18 this year and i wanted a 350z my entire life! its been my dream car even since i was younger i saved up a good amount of money. im planning to buy one at about August, i want to know what to look out for and what year is a good model. i dont know what to ask more , if you guys can give me some extra info about the 350z what to look out for when buying and what mod the car must have i would appreciate it. Cheers Jake
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