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David Booth

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  1. Thank you... and even better, only cost me £23.45 in the end!
  2. Problem sorted. Easily sleeved says my garage, for around £50. Result! Thank you for everyone's contributions. Much appreciated.
  3. Hi Zeus, thanks again. Thinking of selling the car, so cheapest option most definitely favourable - looks as if Japspeed replacements would still cost me around £400-plus fitted.
  4. I think I favour the cheapest option. Would a sleeve be a custom make, or has someone done this before and got a ready-made solution?
  5. Hi all, noticed a blowing from my exhaust, so nipped to Kwik-Fit where we found out the flange that connects the mid section to the back box, has rusted away. Kwik-Fit reckon I have to buy both the mid section and back box to rectify, at around £600. However - and I am a non-technical person - would/should it be possible to sleeve/weld the gap left by the deteriorated flange and save a lot of money? Apparently, it is a common 350Z fault, caused by a non-staninless steel connecting pipe - so presumably other members have been affected by the same problem? As ever, your help, advice, experiences and opinions would be MUCH appreciated. Thank you, david
  6. Hello and thank you all for such prompt responses. The CD is whirring away happily and I get past the 'I agree' opening screen with ease. Can get all the menu options to show, but screen display is just black with a random red arrow... Maybe a CD cleaner would be a good starting point? Have to say, it's a pretty useless system anyway from my limited experience when it did work: takes ages to programme an address in thanks to a very laborious input system and you can't just postcode search, which seems VERY poor. If it's not a clean that's needed, ant further suggestions? Thank you, David
  7. Evening all! The sat nav on my 2008 350Z has never been brilliant (slow to compute and ages to programme directions in), but now it won't even give me a map display. I have the original discs and an updated non-genuine copy, which came with the car when I bought it. However, neither now work. Just wondered: Should one or both of then work - even if it means missing new roads etc that would appear on updated versions? or Do they cease to work when newer versions are released? If I should be able to at least get an 'old' map to display, what could be the problem? Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you, David
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