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About dajw

  • Birthday 17/02/1979


  • Location
    Farnham, UK

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  1. So you're not able to retain the stock crash bar then? That tow bar looks fairly neat.
  2. Wow. This is pretty damned cool. If I still had mine, I'd definitely convert to this setup.
  3. Hey mate! Will do in time - work hectic, plus just bought a house so everything is everywhere and nothing is where I thought it was... Too many boxes!
  4. Of course - but I've had my insane power fun. This one is about sublime balance. Plus it sounds awesome! (It's not slow, but compared to Reggie it is!)
  5. Its been a pleasure, people! I've handed over to someone who will look after Reggie, who will look after, polish, wax, detail, maintain and improve this already awesome car. There's so much going on in my life right now that running a modified car was far from a priority, it needed too much of my time and I found this somewhat stressful. A fortunate conversation led me to an interesting proposal, in which I swapped Reggie for an unmodified white 370z GT Edition of almost the same age and the same underlying value according to Glass' guide. We swapped cars, and we agreed a figure for the modifications and condition. It was quite a shock to go back to a stock 370z. Its a great car but it was time for a change, and was a route to trade in. Many of you know I've had the pleasure of running two 981 Boxsters with the PDK transmission. The 3.4 S and the 2.7, and both were fantastic. I've traded in the standard 370z with Porsche GB (its likely to turn up with BCA as this is how they dispose of their trade in stock). So the new car is an absolutely gorgeous 2015 Porsche Boxster 981 Black Edition. Its very well specified, with the PDK transmission, PASM (10mm drop, dynamic dampers), sports exhaust, some gorgeous carrera classic 20" wheels and some more besides. The Sport Plus mode gives the fastest gearchange I've ever felt — it sounds like the GT-3 or a sports bike! Will turn up at a meeting sometime soon I must say that this is the nicest and most involved car community, and I'll miss the 'spotted' stuff — a friendly wave was always a feature in the 'z. That just doesn't happen in a car as common as the new one! I now hand over to Reggie's new owner to introduce himself!
  6. Oops. I did manage to repost this, so thanks for the linky. In other news the search on this forum is a bit pants.
  7. I was walking down Downing Street when I heard the unmistakeable v6 noise... A lovely blue convertible 350. Anyone local?
  8. This just popped up in my YouTube recommendations: 480 WHP Twin Turbo Nissan 370Z - One Take (by thesmokingtire) I like Matt's one-take video reviews of these modified cars of all kinds. This one seems pretty sorted, and close to my own ideal of keeping the stock look but adding power and handling upgrades. It was Matt's review of the Stillen supercharged 370z that convinced me to go that route a few years ago. Enjoy the vid.
  9. Trumpets? Air inlet trumpets. Yeah that's it Just under the number plate won't even see them unless your on your knees Interesting! Haven't seen these before. Do they have a measurable effect? I'm still smugly racking up the miles without any temp issues
  10. 51,000 miles since Feb 2013 and supercharged for more than half that. No issues to report here… …well there was that time I picked up the car from Norris Designs after the Stillen supercharger installation, and the ECU failed, later suspected to be water ingress. But apart from that, nothing to note. The boot lid rattles a bit. Bloody annoying.
  11. May I have a listen when it's done? We can have a battle of the boxes
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