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About Av8er

  • Birthday 18/09/1992

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  1. Just had a look through some posts from the guy I sold her to. It looks like she was pulled around, new body kits, coil overs, “sound system”, wheels blah blah blah. I fear she will no longer be the girl I knew 😔but that’s life! Should have never sold it.
  2. I can’t remember how it’s spelt Damned, Dam’d, Damm’ed or any other potential way of spelling it. I looked at replacing it when I owned it as the garage completely screwed it as they smashed it into the lift, I could not find it ANYWHERE!
  3. After years of getting rid of my old Z, I a) want to know where she is now b) find the owner, and try to buy her back! no car has ever made me smile as much as she did. it was a 2003 fair lady, after searching the reg when I owned it, nothing pops up in regards to MOT. So I’m thinking it’s either been written off, or moved to a private plate.
  4. I've just moved back from Florida mate. Convertibles are a no go in that heat, not only do you never actually use them because you want the AC on full whack, but they fade really really fast. I was drinking a Mustang GT, great car, decent gas mileage, sat around 20mpg and that's intermittent hooning, also, it's based on a US Gal so it's actually more than that if you convert to a IMP Gal. If you're out there for a long time, buy new, if not, buy used. The depreciation of new cars is worse out there than over here, and you can pick up a bargain if you get a couple of years old. If you really really want to have fun though, and you have a decent wedge, Corvette C7. You can get a bottom line for about $60K, and if you do come back to the UK, as long as you've been gone for 12 months and owned the car for 6... No import tax.
  5. I have recently been getting messages for quotes, please be aware that I am no longer an employee at Adrian flux and have move on to bigger and better things. Sadly this means I can no longer assist in insurance quotes and due to my current activity, not will I be able to answer any queries related to that industry. Apologies
  6. Hey bud, I can't remember the settings exactly, but the camera is set up by using the wire to the reverse lights as a sensor. It's in one of the "av in" page settings to allow r-camera interruption. Sorry I couldn't be more specific but it's been a while hope you're enjoying her mate? Done anything else to her since you bought her?
  7. If any of you are interested, follow my blog and journey over the next year as I qualify as a commercial helicopter pilot. Flyingcloud9.wordpress.com
  8. I know your pain man... I search the forum every day hoping that Natahsa is back up for sale already! Biggest mistake of my life selling her!
  9. Your ex kicked your bonnet which broke your handbrake resulting in you car rolling down a hill? I'm glad you worked it out!!!! I anger everytime I think of it My first thought was you broke your ex on the bonnet resulting in braking the handbrake and rolling down a hill Every man should trust his instinct
  10. Your ex kicked your bonnet which broke your handbrake resulting in you car rolling down a hill? I'm glad you worked it out!!!! I anger everytime I think of it
  11. I've got a story that involved a hill, poor handbrake, bonnet and my ex..... I will say no more
  12. This is a gorgeous car, and UNDER PRICED. The person that buys this is getting a bargain. GLWTS
  13. I've got a feeling that you will have just lost a chunk of enquiries from the forum due to the amount of young owners around here! I'm 20 and I insured mine with modifications declared without any hassle!
  14. Also if I could just pick you up on this comment; I assume that the 40% write up rate you have quoted is the generic WUR for the whole of the new business quotations across the company, hopefully for your sake this is excluding the retained business. However, it is all good and well quoting statistics, but are they actually specific to the marque in question ie. members of 350Z-UK. What we need to know, is how many quotes you are writing up from the forum enquiries provided from here, including decline quotes due to your restrictions. You may well be writing up 8 quotes for Mr Bloggs on his £2500 Ford Focus with modified alloys, exhaust and air filter, yet the 12 high performance car enthusiasts, which is the category the members here fall into, that approach you for a quote aren't provided with a competitive policy price/cover. Once those statistics are ascertained, you can then provide forum members with an unbiased picture towards the benefits of approaching you for a quotation. Cheers.
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