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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Sorry to see it mate. Easy fix though, Delivery drivers just don't give a toss. Saw a Tesco driver just back into a Merc in Tesco car park and then drive off. I reported it to the Tesco Manager, who wasn't the slightest bit interested. I left a note on the Merc's windscreen with the reg and the Managers name. Never heard anything back.
  2. Nice idea, but it will never happen when they spend millions getting the cars to the exact weight of 702kg without fuel but with the driver. There is no maximum weight.
  3. Happy Birthday gang. Have a good one.
  4. I really hope that somewhere there's footage of Toto and Arnie together. That would be a combination never to mess with! There is it was on Sky, Ted's Notebook I think.
  5. Bet they don't..!!!! Sour grapes because they are not winning..!! http://www1.skysports.com/f1/news/12475/9761849/red-bull-threaten-to-quit-f1
  6. Sorry to see that, lets hope you get it sorted with little pain and fuss.
  7. Thanks mate! I fell in love the moment I saw it! Just send you a PM ..with a possible buyers details.
  8. This is not a nice situation to be in. http://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/bianchi-s-father-unsure-if-his-son-will-wake-up?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=weekly_edition&utm_campaign=newsletter_2015-03-16
  9. The Bosses of Mercedes are not impressed with Lewis impersonation of a "rapper" with his gold chain. Not only that but it looks like Germany will not have a GP this year. http://www.dw.de/germany-may-miss-out-on-hosting-formula-one-race-in-2015/a-18231377 Maybe they should not have hauled Bernie through the Courts only to be found innocent..
  10. Just been told that the booing was not for Lewis or Vettel, it was for the State Governor who handed out one of the trophies. That makes more sense.
  11. Don't mention Top Gear on here..That thread well went pear shaped..
  12. Happy Birthday all. Have a good one.
  13. Bit early in the morning for drinking cider Chris..5am..
  14. Arnie & Lewis Show on stage... http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/formula1/31893973
  15. Yes what was that all about..I thought they were booing Vettel over Webber leaving F1.
  16. I had a bet it would be by lap 5...I'm a £10 richer...
  17. How much to register it and tax it, where are you going..!! I have been researching the internet to find out if I can take the car with me but apparently it may prove very difficult for tax reasons (I may have to pay a £12000 car tax to register it!!!!).
  18. 6.00pm Sky F1 are doing a highlights program for about 50 mins that will be more than enough. I'm sure the show will improve . But I did win my Maldonado bet..
  19. Lovely looking Zed, best colour as well, Good Luck with the Sale.
  20. £90 for that info..The should have wore a mask..!! Highway Robbery... :rant:
  21. I recorder it and wasted a nice Sunday morning watching it..Utter boring.. Its sad to say that I found the Formula E race from Miami far more entertaining.
  22. In the Zed I have a suction cup holder mounted on the dash, that the Tom Tom sat nav was stuck to. Most Black cabs and Mini cabs have at least two suction cups stuck on the windscreen.
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