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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. If it was cloudy there wasn't much point going outside anyway Yes but the school didn't know it was going to be cloudy when they sent the letter home to the parents to saw why the kids would not be allowed to watch the eclipse...!!! :scare:
  2. Forgot to mention, it's a trader selling it too Thought it might be Hugh. See you tomorrow at the Ace, I'll be there about 12 .30 to 1,.00pm.
  3. Clarkson latest..!!! http://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/clarkson-tells-live-audience-hes-been-sacked/ar-BBitOEy?ocid=U305DHP
  4. The Stig delivered the petition signed by over 1 million people today to BBC HQ in a tank..!!!
  5. Just heard that my local school would not allow the pupils to go outside to watch the eclipse, they said it was against Health & Safety policy as the pupils COULD hurt their eyes.... FFS is was cloudy..!!!!
  6. You KNOW, or you read it online? I think the only people who KNOW are Clarkson and his lawyer... Sky had him on air leaving his solicitors office..!!! but your right maybe he just popped in to dispute a parking ticket..! http://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/jeremy-clarkson-instructs-lawyers-over-jimmy-savile-smear/ar-BBilcdP?ocid=msnclassic
  7. Brilliant sunshine in London now, bit late, saw nothing of the eclipse..!!
  8. Went for the boat show and pre-booked in their car park. less agro than finding anywhere else where you might save a tenner.
  9. Is that it here in Town..street lights gone off again and now brighter..what an non event here. Just felt like a black cloud had gone over, didn't last long.
  10. Lucky you, see nothing here, but its getting a bit darker and the street lights have come back on,
  11. Clarkson tried to apologise.. http://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/jeremy-clarkson-tried-to-apologise-to-oisin-tymon/ar-BBitbWH
  12. Great looking Beemer, will sell at that price. GLWTS.
  13. Just starting to get darker here in London. Still very cloudy shame. I remember the 1999 one it was a clear day and could see it.
  14. Well it has just started here in London, and its cloudy, so can't see anything ...
  15. Thanks alot mate. I've had a couple of PMs too. Someone might be coming to look on Sunday. Not sure whether to happy or sad Good luck mate did Hugh sound interested ?.
  16. Looks like this will be sold by the weekend Lee, not surprised one of the best around.
  17. BBC will do nothing about this until their contracts are up at the end of March. Tell me then what you can do to an employee who no longer works for you..!! And to make sure they are not about by the end of the month they are going to Norway which was already scheduled..!! I totally agree that whoever made that remark, should be severely disciplined, I know Clarkson has taken legal advice on it . http://www.msn.com/e...rway/ar-BBir9aP This is also worth a read..!! http://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/other/james-may-and-richard-hammond-refuse-to-film-top-gear-without-jeremy-clarkson/ar-BBiq4Pu?ocid=msnclassic
  18. No Lexx, but I did work as Team Manager for the Jacki Epstein Team IBEC, with Tony Trimmer, Tif Nedell and Ian Bracey sponsored by Lloyd of London. Photos or it didn't happen Tiff Needell is my dads cousin, I was asking him if he knew you, he says he can't remember you Ask Tiff if he remembers this pile of poo..!! Then ask him what was Ian Bracey's "nickname" Beansy (my Google Foo is awesome....) As I recall, that car didn't qualify as the average time was in the bottom two for their group and thus never raced. Took the IBEC 3 times to LeMans, only ran twice and one DNQ, (French fiddled the times), Because Bracey erected a union jack in the Paddock and he was asked to take it down and he wouldn't..!! So the French made sure we did not run that year.
  19. Did 3 Le Mans with Jackie Epstein's Team. Adrenaline keeps you going during the weekend but when its over you are absolutely knackered and you still have to pack up and get the car and transported home wouldn't or couldn't do it now.
  20. General dogs body, arranging transport to LeMans, make sure everybody had passes. Get the car to centre of town for the parade on Wed eve, make sure the drivers are there. Make sure they knew the signing in schedule, make sure they are ready for practice, make sure the cars get through scrutineering, make sure, make sure,..!!! :scare: Arguing with the French about qually times, which they fiddled and put 2 French cars in front of us. Then helping with timing and pit signalling at Mulsanne Corner in those days, only communication you had with the pits was a black wind up telephone, Oh and try and get some sleep..!! Happy Days, especially when its pi55ing down in the middle of the night..!!
  21. Hugh, ask him to run it down to the Ace on Sat, and we can all have a look at it. 10 mins around the Circular for him. Tell him you'll give him an answer there and then.
  22. No Lexx, but I did work as Team Manager for the Jacki Epstein Team IBEC, with Tony Trimmer, Tif Nedell and Ian Bracey sponsored by Lloyd of London. Photos or it didn't happen Tiff Needell is my dads cousin, I was asking him if he knew you, he says he can't remember you Ask Tiff if he remembers this pile of poo..!! Then ask him what was Ian Bracey's "nickname"
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