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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. I just insured mine and I live in London, best on line were Quote Me Happy but their service is crap. Next was Admiral who are quiet good, called them direct to discuss the "on line" quote and got another £56 - 00 off. so Admiral is my choice this year ..Sky were £150 dearer tha Admiral. Will. :thumbs:
  2. Did he get away...or was he breakfast...not enought for lunch .
  3. Sorry to hear that Will...Just mindless f***ck wits..!! Somebody drove into my sons Golf last weekend and pi**ed off. £450 damage, cannot put it through his insurance as he will loose his no claims and has £300 excess anyway..Complets S**it HEADS..!! :rant: :rant:
  4. Morn SMD.. Got my iPhone holder this morning its the vent one, which it fine, I know you want the sticky pad one, but the vent one is completely portable between cars and only takes a sec to remove, its very small and neat. It works well and does hold the phone even over London speed humps without any problem. I fitted the external magnet to the outside ot the iPhone case, cleaned the case first with mets even though they give you a cleaning pad...Verdict...neat and works well.. Different subject..just fitted new Bosch AeroTwin all round and a 20" on the rear, why is there only an 18" fitted as standard on the rear when a 20" is far better and gives you more coverage. Will. :drive1
  5. Lovely Car..give us a bit more info about it...milage ..owners...cost...what you think of it...!! :welcome:
  6. According to the RAC search...it said "NONE FOUND"...maybe they are not members of the RAC..!!! :cold:
  7. I know..I see about one a year...!! :boxing:
  8. Hammer...get a new one...!!!
  9. Looks like you wont have much trouble selling it..nice car. :thumbs:
  10. Love the car...nice kit.
  11. You can sell anything if the price is right...!! :surrender:
  12. Great Vid Bounty...didnt miss a moment, was there something about cars on here as well..???. :thumbs: :thumbs:
  13. This is the latest figures from the DVLA on the number of Zeds in the UK...Jan 2013 350Z GT4 159 Registered 4 on SORN 350Z including GT and Imports 5705 Registered 207 on SORN 370Z 1472 Registered 63 on SORN. Anybody got anything to add. ?.
  14. Should have gone to "Specsaveres" :lol: :lol:
  15. Welcome Ryan. Stick at it you will get one...look for a UK car preferably a GT.. :welcome:
  16. This is the following information from the DVLA on the number of Zeds in the UK. Jan 2013. 350Z GT 4 159 Licenced 4 on SORN. 350Z including GT and imports. 5705 Licenced 207 on SORN 370Z 1472 Licenced 63 on SORN. Any body want to add anything ?.
  17. Love your new Pic Builder 49... You know SMD longer than me..so I have no comment .. :boat:
  18. Love it Paul. "Marmite" will be jealous....! Like the interior,
  19. Get the Old Bill to nick him for driving without due care and attention, and that will be the end of it. I had the same problem when a motor bike that hit me in a Range Rover completely their fault, Then he and his passenger tried to sue me for damages..!!. Old Bill nicked them for driving without due care and attention, they were not going to nick him until he tried to sue me for compensation. Go and have a chat with them.
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