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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Very cheap car depends on what the damage was to declare it a Cat D.
  2. Thanks Bounty you may be right..! I used to teach the Police high speed driving at Hendon Police Driving School.
  3. Thanks Bounty...Bet I can get around Brands quicker than you ??? :drive1
  4. Hi 4RE. I used to drive my 911 around town all the time and it never had a problem..apart from some "scrote" keyed it, but it never got threated in the way the Zed does. Maybe people want to get close to it to see what it is..?
  5. Why May Chris ..is it something to do with the Mating Season..?
  6. Great to have you along..keep us posted.. :thumbs:
  7. Your wrong Chris S..A car to me is a way from A to B and its nice to do it with a nice car...I'm well over the "bubble wrap" syndrome. I'm sure you dont live in London.
  8. WhackyWill

    Show me yours?

    You have not yet seen SMD bit's ...I know a "man who has"...!!
  9. I am new Zed driver, had many other sports cars over the years. TVRs, 911, etc: I have been driving my X5 around London without incident, everybody leave's it alone, dont cut it up, dont tail gate it. With the Zed, I find cars try to "bully" it, drive down the inside and pull accross in front of you sit right up your ass, try to cut in front of you without indicating..! If this is normal behavour to a Zed driver, then there will be a few fights along the way..!! :starwars:
  10. Thanks Viad, will do that over the weekend, is it easy to take out the unit ? Dont know if I can leave it on the rad for a few days as I need the car, will use the hair dryer. Will.
  11. Shell just up the road from me do a 101 octane said for "Racing Purposes" only... :drive1
  12. Thanks Alex.. Nice idea, "barrell a bit empty after buying the car"..did you get payment via Pay Pal OK for oli etc :
  13. They were on the car when I bought it, previous owner fitted them, but he only had the car for a little while.
  14. Hi All. Got condensation in one of my rear aftermarket smoked tailights, how do I get rid of it. Other one is OK, I have checked there are no cracks or damage to it, just wet inside ?. Thanks. Will
  15. Its now listed at £7,993 - 00. No they dont have to sell it at a £1k.
  16. Just downloaded Cockpit Recorder Action Cam looka a cool App. :thumbs:
  17. Welcome along to the Forum. Yes by all means get one..! Great for the Summer...if we ever get a Summer..! :welcome:
  18. Will be interesting to see what it does....!
  19. Clicking rear axel,.. Bose CD Player not skipping .. Look on the forum for things to look out for when buying a Zed..there are many poste on it. Good luck
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