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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. He will have one..Top Guy..
  2. No' not true...you only need 2 x Hi-Vis jackets. 1x Driver and a passenger.
  3. No' dont need Breathliser kits and its very unklikely you ever will. Dont forget 2 x Flourescent jacket ..HalfFrauds...£5 each.
  4. I took out the Zed mats during the snow and put in some new rubber mats. I will leave then in until the weather gets better. Got them on eBay, fit well. I have turned off re-cycle air and put on fresh air and its much better,
  5. That exhaust sounds great..bet it work up all of Japan on the test day..!!
  6. Far too expensive to repair and sell on as either a Cat C or D and get it passed an MOT. Worth about £1.2k now as it is, spend another £1.2 depending on if there is any structural damage if there is forget it completely. It will then stand you in £2.4, car will be worth £3.75 to £4k depending on finish when sold. Not a lot of profit for that much work.
  7. No 4RE its automatic set up.... Your mate with the shotgun's mistake was posting it on a Social Media. Bad Move
  8. MARZMAN..You are so right, appologies, but my mate showed it to me this eve on his iPhone thats why I posted it. He spent over £1k on a system for his Radical last year and this app does most of it for free. :thumbs:
  9. Is it a lack of respect thing or an envy thing...??
  10. Just starting "the Super Bowl Party" any excuse to have a good bash with mates. Bet I have to ask in the morning "who won"..!! :snack:
  11. DBlock..only spent time with them at Hendon Police Driver Training Centre in Hendon. You may be right Ekona, but I would get a good brief if they tiied to convict me with evidence from my own iPhone.
  12. Brilliant ..easy with no rear grip and a locked front diff...must be at least 3g in there..
  13. No Ekona...They can look at it and say to you "you been a naughty boy and we are going to use this to convict you" NO THEY CANNOT..they can threaten you, tell them to take it to Court.
  14. That's complete "Boll**cks...NO the Police cannot use your iPhone video to convict you of speeding, they are lucky to be able to use their own Vascar system in Court, if it has not been callibrated that day and signed for by the technician..... so you think the court will accept a free Iphone app..NO they wont.
  15. You can also immediately post to Facebook or YouTube or send to your insurance company when you get it wrong..!!
  16. There is a free iPhone / iPad app called Action Camera Cockpit Recorder which is free and will give you Video, Audio, G Force, Location, SPEED from GPS, and immediate up load to Face Book, YouTube etc..Great free App. Enjoy.
  17. Use your iPhone or iPad as a track or road video camera system, which will overlay Video, Audio, GForce, Location Data, Date, SPEED, A great App. its called "Action Camera Cockpit Recorder" download it from the iPhone App Store. and its FREE. Enjoy.. :thumbs:
  18. Brilliant Pics...nede to do some of Miss Marmite and post them..!
  19. WhackyWill


    Some cheap ones now on ebay, ending soon..check them out ..
  20. WhackyWill


    Bounty go easy on the Newbies...!!!
  21. I know the 20 MPH Zones are been phased in gradually in London....around schools OK but not everywhere..In the rush hour you never go above 20 anyway, but when there is a break in traffic its nice to at least be able to do the limit (wink wink). This Health & Safety culture has gone mad..!!
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