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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Sittting here trying to work out how to spend more money on my Zed...
  2. Agree heated seats are not great...best ones were in my Merc...real ass burners ??.
  3. I know it is a bit early in the morning...
  4. Get a free spedo app using GPS for your iPhone. Very accurate.
  5. Few people got out of the wrong side of the bed on this post..??? :disguise:
  6. Got TRY 69 put it on the car if you dont want your wife to drive it...??
  7. Well I get 16.1 MPG in London in my Zed, and 10.4 MPG in my 4.6i X5...dont know what you boys are complaining about..???
  8. How do you know its limited to 120mph...Nice straight bit of road..?? ;)
  9. I assume the same applies to a pre-facelift model. Sounds a pain in the ass job...
  10. How many of these have been "clocked"...? Most JDM get a "hair cut" before getting to the UK..!!! :cold:
  11. Welcome the car looks superb..Good Luck with it.
  12. Unfortunatly I have an 06..in the highest tax bracket..I agree with the bus comparison
  13. Yes' I need some of this as well, but going to wait until the weather gets warmer to start taking the Zed apart. :thumbs:
  14. Welcome Benjo and good luck with your search.. :welcome:
  15. Just got my Zed back from the garage following a oil change to the gearbox and molyslip added. Also changed the oil in the diff, gearbox feels a lot better in first and second and the changes are smoother. Thanks to ZMANALEX for supplying the oils and to Hornsey Transmissions for doing the work. :thumbs:
  16. I agree with JetSet...dont attempt to remove it in the dark.. bad enough in the day even then you still need a torch to find the hole. :thumbdown:
  17. Good Luck with the purchase of your Zed...Great Car... :thumbs: :welcome:
  18. Dry sump sounds expensive as does not checking your oil...
  19. What a stupid dipstick there is in a Zed.. need to be a Brain Surgeon to get it back in the hole..!!!
  20. I agree MrChic. Bit useless at night. I put it on Bluetooth and answer it on the iPhone as thats illuminated works the same.
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