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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Yes' There are some good JDM's about, they tend to be a bit more expensive on insurance so go to a specialist insurance company like Sky on here.
  2. Are they easy to change ? I have a Black Zed and they may look good on it ?
  3. You are now in the Land of Zed....No way out... :yahoo:
  4. You can reasonably argue that they could not sell the car during that period as it was in the garage having work done ie: panel sprayed, which you are prepared to pay for, and by you paying for this work you have contributed to the overall condition of the car making it more salable, and you are agreeable to them retaining £150 from your deposit for this work. They may try and bargan with you and then agree £200 in full and final settlement. Also tell them you will be back to them for a new car soon. Worth a try.
  5. Brilliant pics...very talented.
  6. Welcome to the Land of Zed...Hope you find a good one...
  7. Its also a Cat C or D..read between the lines...they don't say it, which is a bit misleading... I wouldnt touch it it with yours...!!! Good Luck with finding a good one..Well looked after UK supplied GT is what you need.
  8. Cool key..never understand why manufacturers dont make Flip Keys..They dont make holes in your pocket...My S500 had a flip key 10 years ago...
  9. That's fine 14N but his car been off the road for a week and the time going back and forward to Kwik @*!#, not even a sorry. They haven't just lost one customer but none of his mates at Uni will ever go near Kwik Sh1t Sheffield either. Not very good business practice.
  10. No onslaught at all. He booked it in for new pads on the front due to the noise the front made on one side he was under the impression it was just pads, Kwik Sh1t then did a complete brake survey and told him he needed new discs all around and new pads all around, why did they not advise him as did the indy that he only needed a set of new discs at the front, he did not even need pads on the front.. Kwik Sh1t told him they would do all the work at £392 - 00 or they would do none of it...!! When all he needed was new discs on the front at £80 - 00...there's the rip off. :thumbdown:
  11. Just to finish off the saga of Kwik Sh1t Rip Off..!! The job that Kwik Sh1t quoted £392 - 00 to do, my Son got done at a Garage in Sheffield called Snuff Mill as all he needed was 2 x new front discs. supplied and fitted for £80 - 00. Kwik Sh1t should be reported to trading standards they are the biggest "Rip off Merchents" in the business. :rtfm:
  12. Once you paid one..they now will go back to see if you have any outstanding and expect you to pay those as well.
  13. Welcome to the Land of Zed....Hope you have a Rich Dad or a good Bank Manager...
  14. Brands are strict and will check every car in and out of the pits. Cannot remember what their limit is but it on their web site.
  15. Eiback ones are the only ones I would trust..as said above these are stainless not ally.
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