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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Wasnt Trevor Nation...It was Steve Parish, he had PEN 15 plate for years, he had it on an old Ambulance at one time.
  2. Anybody else tried BP Performance Ultra High Octain 102 RON...Its brilliant and the Zed loves it. :thumbs:
  3. No idea why I'm Whacky Will...?? :yahoo:
  4. Its a nice plate BBK..I have a personal plate on mine as well.
  5. I've been Whacky Will since I was born, but I dont have a Whacky Will plate....!!!
  6. Right...! Why would you get a plate that just reflects your name on a forum..dont get that one.. ?? :cold:
  7. The "puddle lights" on my X5 are better than the HID dipped on my Zed...they are SH1T.. :thumbdown:
  8. Welcome to the Land of Zed...Hope you find yours. Dont be too worried about a resonable milage one the engines are "bullet" proof and will do the miles..service history is far more important...
  9. A lot of work but well worth it..mine need to be done as well...yours looks brilliant. :thumbs:
  10. Yep ! should go back on its orignal reg..If you take it to a DVLA office you should get it all done in 5 days, anyway its the dealers responsibility to do the transfer otherwise you can keep the private plate and sell it back to him. Insure it on the reg that's on it now, and tell the insurance company that you are waiting for the DVLA to assigne it its origanl plate and you will inform them when this happens, should be no charge. Good luck with your new car...
  11. I drive mine around town all the time and nobody flagged it up..cannot miss it..got a unique colour scheme complements of the previous owner..(who is a member on here)...
  12. Great wheels love the Vossen..
  13. Looks good in green...
  14. That's a lot more than I've seen in a year and I live in London..!!
  15. Welcome to the Land of Zed... :welcome:
  16. Hi Twobears. Spoke to my friend who imports from China...He gave me some advice to pass on. Go to China and visit the factory your going to buy from. Get an local agent to do the buying on your behalf and negotiate a percentage with him, he's then your agent and is responsible to you. Get samples signed off on quality before committing to a run. Be careful of the exchange rate as they work in US dollars. Be careful on shipping charges and shipping agents depending on quantity. Hope it helps a bit.
  17. Wow ..You were robbed..£192..are you sure they did it properly..and your were not shafted twice..?
  18. Oh !..Dont worry about milage as long as its got service history and been looked after. 80k is not a lot for a Zed. £6.5 to & £7k will get you a resonable good UK spec GT..Thats the one you want. Best to buy one from a member here as you will know the history of the car. Colour choice is purely a personal thing, but Black and Blue are normally the best colours. Hope you get one soon and enjoy it.. :thumbs:
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