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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Yep..Love driving my Zed.. :thumbs:
  2. I have a 06 pre-facelift 350 GT UK Spec. Will this have the UK Standard Security System Package as layed down by the Motor Manufacturers Guild, as I know that the JDM Security Package is not as stringent as what is required in the UK.
  3. Not scare the crap out of them....beat the crap out of them...!!! :thumbs:
  4. Thanks Mk13 KYF, this is exactly what I am lookling for. :thumbs:
  5. Mercs havent had flip keys? w220's didnt. They had a detachable key but you rarely use that? Cant wait for a guide. I can assure you DBlock my S500 has a flip key...its sitting on my desk in front of me, I dont need to go to Specsavers just yet...!!! :blush:
  6. Toad do a Text Alert one, I believe its on eBay. It will send a text to you phone if anybody is at you car.
  7. I'm off to Tokyo and Kyoto for 3 weeks in April
  8. Sounds a good place to take your loved Zed...very capable pair of hands... :thumbs:
  9. Dont forget to hose it off...!!
  10. www.ultimatecarparts.co.uk do a talking car alarm, (few others also do one), you can record anything on to your MP3 player... like gunfire, "f**** off and leave my car alone" ...!! "or we are watching you" ....etc. and when the alarm is triggered itplays the recording.. You can also get a silent alarm that alerts you when somebody is near your car, so you can pop out and catch the little f***ers at it. :thumbs:
  11. If you stayed in Queens your lucky to be alive.... :thumbdown:
  12. Get a CCTV Camera...but more important get an Infra Red Light that lights up like a "baboons ass" at night, not expensive may have some here as I own a CCTV Company. That is the best deterrent...most people will avoid an Infra Red Security Light. There is an American security system on the market which is not expensive, that advises them to "step away from the car" or else....!!! Give them 5 seconds to do that, and then give them 10 secs of "Full Voulmn" gunfire...!!!!
  13. No they wont...I got Z logos on mine..Checked it with them and they cannot be any reason for them to do it. If they stop you for something else they "may" point it out to you..!
  14. Best place to get your plates made on line are www.fancyplates.com or www.showplates will be sent next day and you can put on your Zed logos, great service.. :thumbs:
  15. You pay £80 every time you move it from one car to another, (think this may now have gone up to £110..??). and you pay £25 per year to keep it on retention. I now have 4 plates on retention and one on the Zed, Expensive hobby..?? :thumbs:
  16. I'm going to put my old plate back on my Zed and it will stop my "better half" asking if she can borrrow it....so it goes back on TRY 69... :thumbs:
  17. Dont stay in a hotel in NY..check out apartments in NY, we always hire one, lot more freedom lot more space, better areas. and normally cheaper. You need at least week to 10 days to appreciate NY. Good luck .
  18. WhackyWill


    Love the wheels... :thumbs:
  19. Im glad I'm not the only one that this pi55es off..Spent 20mins this morn going over it with a leather just to remove the water / washer fluid marks, because I had to use the washers last eve.
  20. Yes ' its great to go for a drive and let the cares of the world pass you bye..!!! :thumbs:
  21. I am fed up having to clean my Black Zed everytime I use the screen washer the headlight washer sprays washer fluid all over the bonnet, down the front and over the roof and it stains the paint, easy go clean but I have to clean the car every time I use it,..!! .
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