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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Just lovely wheels..Wish I had an understanding Bank Manager...?
  2. I would love to see 18 MPG around town from my Zed...15 MPG if im lucky..
  3. Good Luck finding your Zed and welcome to the forum...
  4. Good Luck with finding your car and welcome to the Forum..
  5. Great Photos..wish I had roads like that to exercise my Zed on ..??
  6. Brilliant Project..how long have you given yourself to complete it..??
  7. Great Pics..Lovely car..wish I could get my Black Zed to that standard.
  8. Welcome to The Land of Zed....post a few pics...
  9. Nice pics...nice cars...I think the Veyron belongs to Jay Broom.
  10. WhackyWill


    Great Pic...Nice car as well.
  11. Yes' that will be MegaLoMonkey alright..!!!
  12. Nice car...see if you can find the Top Gear test they did on one on YouTube.
  13. Welcome to the Land of Zed... moving away from the "hairdresser" image...you'll love a Zed...
  14. Put up the link to the car...lots of people on here wanting Zeds.
  15. Dont forget to watch the Daytona 500 tonight on Premier Sports at 6.00pm or for those who haven't Premier Sports you can stream it live at : www.streamhunter.eu you can also stream most sports live here, watched the Price fight last eve on here for free. Enjoy.
  16. Top Gear is one of the most watched programmes on TV, its entertainment.
  17. Welcome to the Land of Zed....wouldn't put Vauxhall in the frame as performance cars..!!
  18. Nice bit of kit..just downloaded the app...next step is to order the controller from eBay :thumbs:
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