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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Dont forget they cannot either read or write...and we give them guns, and tell them to behave, and be nice to each other...!! WTF...They are Tribes who have been always at war with each other...and we are the BONUS..because we have given them 20th century arms...If only you know how much they hate the West...!
  2. TRY ZMANALEX... he's the best in the business.
  3. I tried to get a London Meet organized and got two replies both of which, I thank you for. Looks like Zedd'ers are hibernating for the Winter...my well re-appear for the Summer, when nuts are plenty.....
  4. Are you saying it had been repaired ?....check it its on the register...either a CAT C or D, really would not pay more than £5k or less for it, would need to also have history with it, if it its a CAT C or D walk away..!!! :surrender:
  5. Impossible to do a Re-Seal on Zed headlights...Not sure what you mean about a headlight re-seal..
  6. You cannot get that amount of "crap" inside a sealed unit...it has to be external unless the light units have been opened previously...as been said already. I would use MAG Headlight Restorer and give that a try..!
  7. Great Pics and Vids...Good Circuit Silverstone... :thumbs:
  8. Couple of cars been broken on eBay..easier to PM ZMANALEX and he will send it to you
  9. Hi Saiper. Yes' they are overprices for imports as already said. you could pick up a very good 350Z GT UK Spec, with resonable milage and history for £8k, dont let your heads rule your heart. Search for the post "Burying a second hand Zed" on here, very informative.. Good Luck, dont buy the first one you see unless its mint an underpriced...
  10. Welcome to the Land of Zed..make the "font" a bit bigger for us old people on here...
  11. You may have a good case to get the garage you bought it from to sort it out, depending on how long you owned it and how many miles you done since you bought it.
  12. Some of them seem too cheap, some are clearly JDM (imports) but they dont state it.
  13. Could be the radiator is getting presurised and forcing the water out.
  14. Hi Karan. Try ZMANALEX or there are a few on eBay at the moment.
  15. You will probably get the same welcome in Scotland as you would in the Yukon....
  16. Would look good with SMUDGEDON purple wheel nuts...!!!
  17. Someone having a laugh.... :thumbdown:
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