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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Thanks for the Heads Up, good show will record it..
  2. "Nissan Zed" is the Facebook page of a Partner of Trade Link started 17 hours ago by either Seb or Greg. See us members at 350Z -com get a mention on it "for all of us who sit in our office chairs and not in our Zeds..etc: Would be nice to know who Split the "mystery shopper is"...!!
  3. Window not going back up all the way, only needs a 1 mill or so and you will get a wind noise....??
  4. WoW TBBK...Your lucky day...that car and its contents would have been splattered all over your windscreen..!!! :thumbdown:
  5. Welcome to The Land of Zed..look forward to seeing photos of your Zed... Just a quick observation as you have only ever made one post on here and you have only just joined the forum today, how did you know where to sing the praises of Trade Link on this thread....???.
  6. An Insurance Company..?? :thumbs:
  7. So according to MyFL, IT Boffin's drive Zeds....!!! Think I sell mine now. Suppose it could have been worse..we could have been Bankers...(I was careful how I spelt it..!!! ) :scare:
  8. Welcome to the Forum... As above PM ZMANALEX...he will probably have it in stock...
  9. Got the Nismo aerial...terrible reception worse than the one I replaced, just bought and fitted the Honda S2000 one and its perfect...so save your moey and get a Honda one first.
  10. Bet there are not many Black and Gold ones about..??
  11. I get 56 ltrs of Tesco Momentum 99 for £79 that's £1-40 per litre. Motorway sServices are a complete rip off for fuel prices.
  12. You started it... :clap: I still think its Trade-links partner that started the thread, and its backfired like a shotgun to the face! Probably right Dave...
  13. Welcome to the Forum. As Kyle said wrap it yourself, its fairly easy and far more satisfying, and a lot cheaper. There are posts on carbon wrapping on here use the Search Facility.
  14. I would suggest putting some Locktite around it to stop it happening again, Here's hoping thats your only brakage..put some good 99 Ron fuel in her.
  15. That should work fine SunDodger, as long as you reduce down the voltage from 12v to 5v to charge your iPhone.
  16. Great Vansman, will pop in and see you as we may be running a car, not finalized yet.
  17. Humbrol Enamel MET 54, 14ml tin on eBay £1.79. + pp Set of Artists Brushes from the £1 shop.. 99p . Total cost to touch up my Brembo's. under £3 - 00. Job Done.
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