Should work down to 3 degrees, after that you get problems with it retracting all the way.
Was one of the reasons I bought a coup, did look at a roadster, but didnt want to be always
swearing at the roof and braking my finger nails..
I would;nt give my car to a car dealer to sell and then return me the money..if they go bust and your car is in the
showroom it becomes the property of the you can kiss you car goodbye..All they want is good stock
without having to pay for it.... Up to you your car..
Go online and Google illegal parking tickets.
There is a standard letter to send them "telling them to pi55 off"..!
Tesco are always trying to issue these tickets and so far not been chased for one..
I had two 911 and had less problems in them than the Zed..think its because the Zed's rarer, so more of a target,
you cn have a go at a 911 / Boxter any day..
Come and drive your Zed around London...Its a homing device for White Van Man..
He will sit up your ass trying to intimadate you ..because he bored and will never have one..!
Black Taxi drivers will go out of their way to **** you off when they dont have a fare..!
Bus drivers wait until you are beside them...then pull out...!
Trafffic wardens RUN to give you a ticket because you have a nice car....NOTHING NEW THERE THEN..!!!