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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Thats not a bad price for the filter..
  2. I will have one on Wed..but Snogged PM me and said he wanted it. If this does not happen and he changes his mind I will PM you.
  3. People have always keyed nice cars, even when I was a kid, I remember my Dad going ballistic when somebody keyed his car...Mindless, Moron, Fu**k Wits...complete Scum, people who do that...!!! Lets hope for their sake I never catch them at it..!!!
  4. Mine is usually driven around town...so 15 MPG average over a tank full. I going to do a run from London to Sheffield and back in a week or so. It will be interesting to see what MPG I can get..Will I get there and back on a tank full..??
  5. No' not the Emirates, and I have been there for my mates audition for the X Faxtor...
  6. Are the AP's on the back as well ?..I would think so.. 1) Be happy with what you got... 2) Remove the APs and sell them. 3) Replace with ALL ROUND Bembro's. 4) Sell it and Buy a Zed from a reputable dealer..!! Your car your decision..!
  7. Stuck in a corner of a Stadium, watching Rugby..?
  8. Welcome to the Land of Zed....
  9. Your having a laugh...You filled it and "poodled" out of the petrol station for a few hundred yards and then took the photo...!!! I did that when I sold my X5 which did 9 MPG in town..showing 21 MPG in the photo...!!! or you have ruined a good Zed and fitted LPG...
  10. Would you 14N...be happy with different brake manufacturers on your car...! Its to do with the rate of of movement of pistons..AP are a very good all round track and race braking system, but I would not mix them with Bembro for road..."are all the pistons alimumium or are some stainless steel". Ally ones will react quicker, and if they are on the rear you will lock the rears unless you bother to put in a brake bias system ..
  11. Everybody to their own taste... Just that you cannot mix AP Racing brakes on the front and Bembro on the rear. I think you had Tade Link over on this one..!! :thumbs:
  12. Sarah I'm with you...Try any Tesco in London, while mum loading the shopping the kids are banging sh1T out of the car next to them with their doors...
  13. Not sure what you mean by a private lane... :scare:
  14. Maybe we are all missing something....??? Dont forget this is Trade Link...!!!
  15. Welcome to the Land of Zed....Hope you find one for that amount...
  16. Sorry didnt realise you wanted a pic as well, hang on will nip out and do one..watch this space..???
  17. Why do you want to nick it....Please nick my S500 as it dropped like a stone in value..
  18. Ok, may be a silly question..but why buy that Zed...? when there are sooo many standart UK Spec GT with everything you want to ahieve...??? Just a mere observation...or was the salesman very good..??? :not_me:
  19. Yes..I saw that and was also a bit confused hope it was well under £5k..!!!
  20. Landrover Defender...Good car and around for a £1k to £1.2k Get one from London as its only ever taken the kids to school..
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