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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. You must all live on the Moon... Try a quote with a London Post Code....
  2. I'm going to try and post some pics via my iPhone..if it doesn't work be patient. It's a 2006 GT UK spec known as Miss Marmite..!!!
  3. PM...M13KYF and be nice to him...
  4. Get 350 posts and its free otherwise it £4 ...
  5. Welcome to the Forum.. Zamman one is a bit overpriced for an Import and there is a post on here about Trade Link. Dont get stuck with a dog..listen to all on here.
  6. Yes get the Honda one , the Nismo carbon look good but dont work.. PM ZMANALEX should be in stock...
  7. You can buy them on line..lots of electronic shops will just send them to you.. Try Cricklewood Electronics on line.
  8. Why what Wacko!!! What does it do...??? (Theres a "h" in my Whacko..! ) Looks good under the bonnet and potentially forces more air through the radiator thus increasing cooling potential...but mostly for looks Right...
  9. Why what Wacko!!! What does it do...??? (Theres a "h" in my Whacko..! )
  10. Welcome to the Land of Zed... Nice car...
  11. Looks better as AV11 LAP. .. That's a "nick" in the waiting..!
  12. I'll now have to come up with a similar story.. so I can sell some CCTV Cameras and System's on here.. !!
  13. Congrats. This will keep you busy for the Summer.. Nice car.
  14. Sorry Shaun.. My mistake.
  15. Put up a sign outside saying "Get your fags here..!!!
  16. My rear burger badge is loose as it stuck on. Is it OK to re stick it on with thin numberplate double sided. ?
  17. Both nice cars..Coup is more practical and black is a very good colour for one. Neither have sat nav.
  18. Friendly MOT Testers are as rare as "Hens Teeth"..!!
  19. If you have not used the car for a while this can happen. Put it on full lock quickly from side to side a few times. Yes' you can fit brake pads with sensors.
  20. Cruise control is my right foot...never use it, and its fitted in my Zed.
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