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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. 1 NXY...Comes up on DVLA as "No vehicle found".... :scare:
  2. Got 12 hours to do on one soon...
  3. I see that a lot of members are interested in getting a good Personal Registration. The next Auction by the DVLA for 1500 registrations is on the 20th/21st/22nd of March at Tingley Leeds. you can bid on line as well. You can download a catalogue of the numbers at www.dvlaauction.co.uk/2013 Good Luck, hope you get a good Reg at a bargin price. :thumbs:
  4. I started a post on this some time ago, as I cleaned the car went out used the windscreen washer once ( a squashed fly" ) had to clean the car again as it was covered in "streaky" washer fluid from the headlights...GRRRR !!!! ...
  5. Welcome to the Land of Zed...Hope you find one soon.
  6. Good Luck with putting it back together.
  7. Yep' Nice Car..Must be a Zed out there with your name on it...
  8. Nice Car..Looks like a blue Renault..! :scare:
  9. Agree with all above... Dont get one and try spacing it.. First its illegal and you will get pulled (see recent post on here on Number Plates). Second it looks oh soooo chav...!!!!
  10. Pretty good for $15 bucks.
  11. You can download an app for your iPhone called "How many are left" ...That will tell you...
  12. I posted this about a month ago and gave the figures for 350 Zed since 2002 and 370 Zeds, and how many of each were left, so if you search for it you will find it...!
  13. Hope you got all the paperwork and a receipt... wonder why he was in a hurry to the airport... :surrender:
  14. Where are the for..the interior.. :scare:
  15. Is there anybody on here who hasn't anything wrong with them...!! :scare:
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