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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Nice looking car, but is it worth £20k..??? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NISSAN-350Z-VEILSIDE-FULL-VEILSIDE-V3-CONVERSION-/290925751683?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item43bc86ad83
  2. A dealer will try and "nick" that for £5.5k. to £6k.
  3. It you have enough posts you can advertise it on here, rather than give the trade a fat profit out of it ..
  4. Followed a black 07 plate 350Z this morning about 8.30 in Station Rd N11. He turned right onto the North Circular, and I went straight on towards Bounds Green Gave the customary flash and a wave....got no response....!!!! Maybe too early for him.
  5. I would defiantly had a go at it, but I would have to sell mine. and I not sure I could part with "Marmite".
  6. Is that it? 2 month holiday and you come back with. "Nice car" I'm not allowed to say much more..!!!
  7. A lot of car, for not a lot of money. Great deal. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251281604947?ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1436.l2649&autorefresh=true
  8. It was for Movember, when people grew a mustache for Cancer Charity.
  9. Yes they just re-played it on Eurosport...Big one, lucky to walk away.
  10. A question for those who know...is this system any good, and has anybody fitted it, as it seems cheap..? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NISSAN-350Z-INFINTY-G35-EXHAUST-SYSTEM-/190849270320?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item2c6f80c230&autorefresh=true
  11. The guy across the road from me has one, and I have to say it does sound very, very nice as he boots it up the road @Will - Sell up and get a Ferrari. That the only way to shut your mate up Trust me I would love to get a Ferrari, my "mad mate" with the massage parlors has a Ferrari Enzo in black, sound the "boll**cks..
  12. I have a standard exhaust on my 2006 pre-facelift 350Z so I'm told..!!. I need something that is not going scare Grannies, But will stop my friend with his new Maserati Quaterporto GT Convertible calling my 350Z "a pussycat"..!! Any suggestions...??
  13. Giving mine a go as well this weekend.
  14. Seems a bit expensive ?.
  15. Welcome to the forum and the land of Zeds. :welcome:
  16. I believe all 350z rear lights are the same so yes unless someone knows different Hi Jet. Yes just got back home so now can see them on my PC rather than my iphone.!! They will fit I believe so I will have them from you, can pay by PayPal, Bank Transfer, Cheque.. Let me know. Cheers. Will. PM Me Jet.
  17. I believe all 350z rear lights are the same so yes unless someone knows different Hi Jet. Yes just got back home so now can see them on my PC rather than my iphone.!! They will fit I believe so I will have them from you, can pay by PayPal, Bank Transfer, Cheque.. Let me know. Cheers. Will.
  18. Hi will they fit my 350Z 2006 pre-facelift as one of mine got a stone through it. If yes I'll have them.
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