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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Welcome to the Land of Zed...Lovely car.
  2. Bit on Pistonheads about it. http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?h=0&f=23&t=1294291&nmt=RE%3A+TVR+sold+to+British+buyer%3F
  3. Congratulations to you both.....
  4. This seems a nice car with no reserve. htthttp://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2006-NISSAN-350-Z-3-5-V6-300-UK-CAR-/190852223450?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item2c6fadd1dap://www.ebay.co.u...utorefresh=true .
  5. You can use your 350Z as an everyday car..you cannot use a Cerebra in that way, my mate got one it only comes out on hot sunny days and even then he has spent a fortune on it.. :scare:
  6. Welcome to the Land of Zeds.
  7. Welcome to the Land of Zeds. Hope you get one.
  8. I had a Saab 900 Turbo many years ago, and to impress my mates in the pub car park I did a handbrake turn and put the car straight into the car park wall. The handbrake works on the front wheels...!!!!.
  9. What a great ride..! https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/984295_545550345487128_1717489882_n.jpg
  10. Welcome to the Land of Zeds. :welcome:
  11. Saw the photos..she's a well looked after beauty...worth every penny of £7k .. :thumbs:
  12. Just get an automatic and leave it in Park...That's "P"..!! :thumbs:
  13. Handbrakes on Zeds are not brilliant, and if I did not leave mine in reverse with the handbrake fully on it would be parked next to my cooker in the kitchen..!! It dosen't matter leaving it in gear as you cannot start it in gear as you have to depress the clutch to start it....Me thinks somebody having a little laugh at the expense of the Zed Community..!! :scare:
  14. When my son was 18 a few years ago he paid in London on a Corsa 1.2 16v SXi fully comp £950. He got silly quotes as well, but nothing near £8k..!
  15. Welcome to the Land of Zeds. :welcome:
  16. I cannot believe the fine for "No Insurance" was only £100 - 00 can see why people don't bother when they get quotes of "grands" for a small hatchback.
  17. I think this is been bid up by the owner or his mates..
  18. Welcome to the Land of Zed...Nice car. :welcome:
  19. Lots of time yet and it up to just over £6k...will it make the £20k mark..??
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