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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. One of the best Le Mans Films about.
  2. They are good had one for my boat .
  3. You obviously don't live in London...
  4. Anybody hit the "magic" 500 BHP mark..?.
  5. Interesting Video...Bailiffs are just scum... :thumbdown:
  6. Glad its all sorted, Now enjoy it for the Summer. Zmanalex and Mark are tops.
  7. Need to change the aerial to a stubby...looks like a yellow dodgem with the standard aerial...lovely car thought.
  8. Welcome to the Land of Zeds. Lovely car.
  9. Looks very nice. :thumbs:
  10. Yes..from a site called "Rustymidgetman" don't have the link just Google him. He in Birmingham I think, cost about £25. I got my BMW one from him, I'm sure he does all systems.
  11. Whats an A/C Cleaner Bomb.. ? :scare: One of these, the spray nozzle locks and sprays until depleted. Basically turn car on, turn on fans, leave AC OFF, leave recirculate OFF, activate bomb, place in passenger footwell, close all doors and leave for about 15 mins (get out of the car too), return and air out car for about 30mins, all done Thanks Bullet Magnet, will give it it a try.
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