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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Where can I get 10K Boost from .? http://www.ebay.co.u...=item519cad4bb1 Thanks. Anybody tried this as well.. ? http://www.ebay.co.u...=item46065b2fac That's the stuff I meant, I didn't realise they did a liquid in-tank solution too. Also didn't realise the spray was £20 now! Definitely the spray, it's fantastic stuff. Just ordered the tank stuff, will also get the pray, should be well clean then...
  2. Where can I get 10K Boost from .? http://www.ebay.co.u...=item519cad4bb1 Thanks. Anybody tried this as well.. ? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/10K-BOOST-POWER-EMISSIONS-RESTORER-DE-COKER-FOR-PETROL-ENGINES-/300754349996?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item46065b2fac
  3. Where can I get 10K Boost from .? http://www.ebay.co.u...=item519cad4bb1 Thanks.
  4. Where can I get 10K Boost from .?
  5. I use "My Car Check" very good and excellent value. Just Google them..
  6. Anybody going to the British GP this weekend, if so are you taking your Zed ?
  7. Who is the oldest Zed owner on here and who is the youngest Zed owner on here. ?
  8. Wish I could get mine looking like that..
  9. Looks like Allan defiantly hit the tree. Very Sad. http://blog.axisofoversteer.com/
  10. Borehamwood used to do it, but no longer, they will check the paperwork and send it to DVLA for you. They are also closing down.
  11. Good news . Welcome to the Forum.
  12. Looks like everything else around you shrunk as well..
  13. Very sad day at Le Mans, Allan used to race Palmer Audi while I was at Brands. A true gentleman and a very quick racer. RIP Allan.
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