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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. As said above PM ZMANALEX... ...Did you get it for £3.5k ?.
  2. Have you got any nearer to finding one Nero..??
  3. Yep' if your a Zed dealer on here its easy pickings..its the "wolf in the sheep pen" but the sheep on here cannot see it...!! :scare:
  4. You could always buy it from Tradelink for £6.5k..!
  5. I didn't see any Zeds for sale in March that were as cheap as chips between £3 to £5k..!! Maybe I wasn't looking in the right place..??
  6. Welcome to the Land of Zeds.... Get a Honda stubby, most of the ones on eBay are crap, Traders on hers sell the Honda ones. Enjoy your Zed.
  7. I have used MAG Headlight Restorer, its an American product but you can get it in eBay. Great results.
  8. Look up Jay Broom on FB and PM him, as he's the organizer and he may be able to get you some good tickets, he knows of our Forum.
  9. That's a bit nice...
  10. Who would have ever thought it...!!! :scare:
  11. Not the same event...The last one was in March..!!!
  12. Hi I4N.. Is that the correct size for the Zed 60 x 130 as I need to get one as well.
  13. Looks a great event. http://www.wiltonclassicandsupercars.co.uk/tickets/
  14. I also bought the Nismo Carbon one on eBay..it was total crap and could not get one station, changed it for the Honda RDX and its perfect.
  15. Just make sure the export part of the Log book is filled in and signed by him and a photo copy of his passport with the same signature on it, also a receipt for the car showing the same signature.. Then no probs..
  16. Good Luck..A Zed will always get you there..
  17. Good Vid..There's also one of the Red Arrows flying in formation which is excellent.
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