Nicking cars has gone hi-tech. Last week an Essex villain was busted in London for stealing more than 150 cars worth nearly £4million.
It was the biggest car theft ring the Met’s stolen car squad had ever seen. But Mr Essex isn’t the only crim at it.
If your car has an electronic key or keyless entry system, you’re at risk. Eastern European gangs are targeting virtually every BMW, particularly 320 and 330 M Sport models, keyless Fiestas, Audi Q7s, Range Rovers, even Mercedes Sprinter and Transit vans.
The scam is simple. Crims buy car-key programming devices (the internet is full of them) and pick their victim.
As the innocent motorist tries to lock the car, the signal is blocked by an RF jammer. The punter walks away, unknowingly leaving the car open, the crim then plugs an information reader into the onboard diagnostic socket and reprograms a blank key and drives it away.
Most vans end up in Poland and Lithuania. Cars are broken into parts and shipped round the world, while high-end stuff goes to Russia. The only defence is a steering column lock, like Krooklok or Autolok. A visible anti-theft lock will make any blagger think again.
The problem centres around easily-bought key programmers. Key data is available because EU law says manufacturers have to share technical info with independent garages ...and reprogramming blank keys is easy.
Some insurance companies aren’t paying out because a key has been used and claim it’s the owner’s fault. Another scam is if you see a note under the wiper of your posh wheels from a motorist who’s dinged your car, don’t accept his offer of a dent bloke to sort it out. He’ll come, fix the scratch and slip in a key reader. A month later your pride and joy’s gone.
Park near CCTV, or where there are plenty of people, and double-check your car has locked itself. And remember, if you’re leaving it somewhere vulnerable, put on a steering wheel lock.