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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. Nissan GTR doing burnout and donuts.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=3tuBHiYEyMY
  2. Welcome to the Land of Zed. ...I've also got a black one.
  3. Read the thread.You don't have to tell you're 'old lady' to buy tesco sh1t products! Wow is it worth it..? Where am I going to hide all this stuff..? :scare: Thanks Skidder. I should have read it all first. Just ordered them., Will keep you informed. :scare:
  4. Read the thread.You don't have to tell you're 'old lady' to buy tesco sh1t products! Wow is it worth it..? Where am I going to hide all this stuff..? :scare:
  5. Ye right you tell my old lady to buy Tesco sh1T products so I can save 5p per liter on fuel..Good Luck..? :scare:
  6. Where does it say I have sold mine? Mine is still for sale - start your own thread WhackyWill Woops... !! Sorry thought Super93 bought it..! No worries Will - Super93 made me an offer which I didn't accept so my adapter is still for sale currently So sorry mate. I have two I dont need with instructions as well.. :blackeye:
  7. Where does it say I have sold mine? Mine is still for sale - start your own thread WhackyWill Woops... !! Sorry thought Super93 bought it..!
  8. I agree with that, as soon as mine said we should use the X5 more, I said Yes gave her the keys and took her off the Zed insurance..Job done..
  9. As PickelsSushi has sold his, I also have a spare one for sale, same price if anybody wants one just PM me.
  10. A pic from Sunday Masters Historic F1. Winner Michael Lyons Williams FW07 F1.
  11. I can see a PM to ZMANALEX soon..?? :scare:
  12. Welcome to the forum. . Most discolouring to the headlights is on the outside, Megs and elbow grease or a buffer.
  13. What are you actually hoping to achieve Kyle...? :scare:
  14. Yep..! Looks like that to me.. :scare:
  15. There's a Fiat Abarth running around with B4LLS on it..
  16. I will ask Steve if he still has it, its possible this number plate company have it to sell on his behalf.
  17. DB 4 is registered to a 2007 Porsche 911 Turbo..!! :scare:
  18. Hi Dedman, great list, FU 2 was owned by Paul Raymond and is now on an old 600 SEL Merc. PEN 15 is owned by Steve Parish, he used to have it on a fire engine.
  19. Results of todays Historic F1. http://mstworld.com/msptresult.aspx?eventid=13208&circuitid=69&series=UK&venue=HSCC&circuit=Silverstone&resultfile=hsc21 Results of todays F2 v F5000. http://mstworld.com/msptresult.aspx?eventid=13208&circuitid=69&series=UK&venue=HSCC&circuit=Silverstone&resultfile=hsc24
  20. More tin pots today...another two, and fastest laps as well, over the weekend 4 wins 4 fastest laps and 4 poles not bad for a 20 year old. :#1: :#1:.
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