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Everything posted by WhackyWill

  1. This is hilarious..!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=pbm7pyUnG6I
  2. They could have included a few pics and a proper description... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2004-NISSAN-350Z-SILVER-/271255342862?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item3f28140f0e
  3. Lovely looking Zed. Like the wheels.
  4. Paddy 78 is a bit out, you would get about £6 for a trade in Isn't that what I said? He doesn't want to trade it.. Erm... Sounds like he does want to trade as selling privately is a hassle? Anyway... pointless argument! For an extra "grand" or two I would put up with the hassle, I've always sold my cars private and not had any hassle, few tyre kickers now and then, but you can see them a mile off.
  5. Paddy 78 is a bit out, you would get about £6 for a trade in Isn't that what I said? He doesn't want to trade it..
  6. Hi Chris. No I'm using yours in my Zed this is one I bought from my mate who is no longer using it, gave him £60 for it so only getting my money back as I don't need two, think my mate got another one as well. Yes' just checked with my mate and he has another one spare, so if anybody interested I could get that one as well if I sell mine.
  7. As 3500ad said between £7k to 8k, post a pic and it will give a better idea. Paddy 78 is a bit out, you would get about £6 for a trade in, but private £7 to £8k.
  8. OK 3sjr. Will reply to PM . Cheers.
  9. Politics, Religion and Football, all in one day on the Forum, and nobody fallen out "yet"..!!!
  10. Yes',but only on Tapatalk, Photobucket still doesn't want to play, will work on it over the weekend.. Thanks for your help,.
  11. BIGGER PRICE DROP AS I JUST WANT SHOT OF THEM...£20 +PP. THEY NEED TO GO ..SO PRICE DROP TO £20. CAN PICK THEM UP OR WILL SEND BY COURIER. I have just changed my black rear lights for some aftermarket LEDs. One has a slight crack and chip caused by a stone, (see pic) sure some enterprising person on here can repair it, also one of the bulb holes needs the bulb holder held in with a small tie wrap (see pic). Given the above £20 and PP is £10.50 due to size or you can pick them up from North London. They work perfectly just taken off the car, they were on at the Ace Cafe meet. (see pics of meet on the forum). If you look at my build post you will see Builder 49 paid £150 for these.
  12. Well done Football and Religion on the Form this morning, so only a matter of time :teeth:
  13. Do the wee dust caps fit back on, on your set? Mine didn't. Hi Kyle. If your asking about the plastic cover over the nuts, then yes and no..out of the 6, 4 fitted OK and 2 I had to use a small bit of superglue, I could have spent another hour and filed them to fit, but time was pressing. I'm pleased with the result, look good at night as well. What did you use to blank off the indicator bulb holder ?. I found that a 10p fits it perfectly held in place with superglue. My holes were already blanked off with a perfectly fitting piece of round tape. You're caps seem similar to mine, only bothered squeezing the 4 in Yes mine also had a piece of white tape over them, but I wouldn't rely on that been waterproof especially in Winter. so I sealed them properly.
  14. Sorry to hear that Pete, I thought it would be a bit of crap..!
  15. Will not a criticism, just an observation... Have you made any posts on here without using this smiley I have the impression you walk around permanently like this How did you guess...!!!
  16. Haha how does that work?? Maybe I need to go there Its a scam mate.
  17. Almost every day I get a tax rebate from Nigeria...!!
  18. My wife keeps telling me that "I'm from a different planet".... :scare:
  19. See this on fleaBay, anybody bought one and fitted it, seems very cheap. ?. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NISSAN-350Z-VS3-03-07-FULL-BODYKIT-BODY-KIT-/261261396078?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item3cd464886e
  20. Bit heavy for first thing Fri morn... :scare:
  21. Parked in the pub car park a few Sundays ago, returned to find a few "herberts" using my spoiler as a table...!!! :rant:
  22. There already here BBK. I always lock my car when I go to pay for petrol since my mate had his coat nicked from his car at a petrol station..any opportunity for the thieves.
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